This is going to be x-posted to a couple of places so sorry if I cross your path more then once. Again I come bearing gifts not of my own making, mostly because I STILL can’t get Lady Un to officially join the fandom. *sighs* Anyways, two presents today…..
Present 1: Inspired by FridayMovieNight!crack (and the fact that I’ve never seen Labyrinth before just kinda set the whole thing in motion) and
beeej’s entry for
reel_sga , I dared Lady to make something for the movie and voila! I’m not sure if it can be submitted to
reel_sga since she never joined. Can anyone tell me if that’s ok?
Present 2: Actually, this one’s over 2 weeks old; I just never got around to posting it. A vid to (of all things) Winnie-the-Pooh’s Rain Song. Short, sweet and adorable.
SGA meets Winnie-the-Pooh Please, please, PLEASE comment. Chocolate only works for so long and I need more bribery to lure her into the fold….. And will someone take pity on me already and tell me how to make multi-posts in one shot?
P.S. Due to requests, there is now a DivX version up at Yousendit
here. Hopefully now everyone can see it. Also, I recommned trying other players as well; Winamp and DivX seem ok.