Title: If You Sleep
Author: Lady Dragonphire
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: FAKE and its characters are the property of Sanami Matoh.
Characters/Pairings: Ryo/Dee
Warning: Angst
Notes: Inspired by Tal Bachman’s song ‘If You Sleep’.
“Dee… Dee… please wake up,” Ryo pleaded desperately, his voice wavering as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. His hand held Dee’s, tears blurring his expressive eyes. The painful, deep wound had rendered Dee unconscious. “I can’t bear to be without you.”
“Ryo,” Dee murmured wearily, his green eyes opening, looking disoriented and confused. “Where am I?”
Ryo smiled in relief, tears streaming down his cheeks as he leaned down to envelop Dee in a fierce hug.
“You’re with me,” he whispered, choking on the words. “Never leave me, Dee. Promise. I love you.”