...have been epic win.
So, last night Josh took me out to dinner at a place called Macaroni Grill--a really nice Italian restaurant (think Olive Garden only fancier). Afterward we went back to his house and watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Yes, we're dorks.
Me and Josh.
Then tonight was the Death Note: L: Change the WorLd movie. We cosplayed. It was epic win. ^_^
Teresa as L, once again.
Me as Light, once again. I REALLY like this pic.
The group shot. Teresa and the other lamesauce L (AT LEAST HAVE YOUR HAIR MESSY PEOPLE >.>), Josh as Ryuk, me as Light, and our three Misas. (Sara is the little one. Isn't she CUTE!?!?)
Everyone doing the thumbs-up pose. A joke based on something in the film.
Me and my Misas. Cuz Light is a pimp. note the hastily-discarded handcuff--Teresa barely got it off and into the background before the picture was taken. =P
"I'll take a potato chip...." Video to come once Teresa uploads it--Josh forgot to put his camera on video and I said I'd only do the line once to avoid being lynched.
Another shot I'm rather fond of.
The whole thing was epic win. <3