Title: Escaping Temptation
Pair: Clex
Three of Seven
clexmas ficlets for the True Love Fest
Prompt: Forbidden
Lex, curled on his side and wide awake, watched Clark in his sleep. He found it an almost too cruel twist of fate to be here in Clark’s bed, expected to platonically share it with the same young man he had been resisting for over a year and a half, now. Just his luck that the guest room was full of junk for one of Mrs. Kent’s charity projects.
Were the Kents more prone to guile, he might have thought it a test of his will. An effort to see why a man six years their son’s senior was so very interested in spending time with him.
Lex thought the answer quite obvious. Although Clark’s age and temperament made him forbidden (and who could knowingly taint such an artless young man?), Lex was drawn to him in an almost unnatural way. His affections refused to disperse, even when it seemed that Clark was less than interested in his presence. It was at first bewildering, and later quite frustrating once he identified his ailment.
How he could be in love with Clark?
Clark rolled over in the bed and sighed. Lex’s heartbeat quickened. His eyes flit over to the clock. Still only 2:35am.
He would be up at the crack of dawn, trying to avoid temptation.