I did not realize that you could finally develop a romance substory with Garrus in ME2. (Actually I believe you can develop a romance subplot with everyone but the salamander Salarian.)
Next game, Garrus. Next game.
And on that line, I'm loving the development of the first game's main characters. Wrex always annoyed me in the first game, but holy hell! I actually find myself admiring him! Tali is Tali, and then some. She was adorable the first time around, but now she's adorable and dangerous. Liara's the only one that has me scratching my head. Where the hell did that come from??? Last I looked, she was the slightly naive archeology geek--now she's gone and become Not Exactly A Tame Lion.
And Garrus, of course. Dear God. They've got his outsides matching his insides, I think. He's... just... Damn you, BioWare, for providing me with yet another noble bad boy to fall for!
[Funny how I'm attracted to people in fiction that I'd totally avoid in real life. A real person who hates that obsessively is a real turn-off!]
Jacob, though, is suitably luscious that I will be continuing with him. I don't get it, though--after Kaidan dropped me like a hot potato, my little picture frame on the desk in my cabin went blank. But then I had a romantic little heart-to-heart with Jacob, and Kaidan's pic comes back? Weird, but I'll take it.
The side missions for the crew are pretty incredible. Disturbing, but incredible. I've found myself alternately getting chills and tears during these things. The depth of storytelling in this game is pretty damn amazing. And just more evidence that everything BioWare does is gold.
Oh! Last CSI we watched, one of the episode's characters was played by the guy who played Carth Onassi and Kaidan Alenko. I couldn't look at the screen when he was talking, because it was just too weird to hear Carth/Kaidan's voice coming out of a guy who looked like a fish. (I really hope that was makeup. Because... um... no.)