Title: Needing is One Thing (Getting is Another)
ladyflowdi and
mirrorskippyPairing: John/Sherlock
Word Count: approx. 18,000
Rated: Hard R for sexual concepts and language
Summary: In which there are near death experiences, escapes, capture, sex, and John in Sherlock’s coat, but not necessarily in that order.
Notes: This is, at his heart, a comment fic. The both of us thought of a dozen different ways to edit it so it would read like a “story” - moving things around, changing POV’s, altering what we’d written - but then we decided that comment fic is underappreciated as a medium of creative expression in fandom, and that there’s not a thing wrong with what we’d written, so that’s exactly how we left it. Enjoy.
The title is from
Needing/Getting by OK GO.
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Part 2