Fic: Eruption (or: Ray Toro's Jailbait Boyfriend) (Ray/Ian)

Aug 21, 2012 22:30

So eledhwenlin, pennyplainknits and I all drank the Ray/Ian Kool-Aid together and we maybe have a lot of feelings about hot guitarists with awesome hair and how they should hook up. Which devolved into twit!fic which devolved into not!fic which devolved into not!fic with large chunks of porn scattered through it.

Title: Eruption (or: Ray Toro's Jailbait Boyfriend)
Fandom: Bandom
Bands: MCR, Panic
Pairing: Ray/Ian
Word Count: 10k
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Insanity. Leather pants. Pete Wentz.
Summary: Ridiculous twitter-originated not!fic where Ray has a crush on Ian, Mikey can detect people's sex habits by the way they play guitar, Spencer is unimpressed by Ray's ass, Ian is a tiny hotass and their respective bands are a bunch of interfering assholes.

Oh, and Ray wears leather pants.

Here on AO3

ray/ian, mcr, p!atd, fic, awesome guitarists with awesome hair sho

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