Darling Aka, I hear you are having a shitty day. Here is that ficlet I still owe you. <3
Fandom: Bandom - MCR
Title: Take What You Want
Pairing: Frank/Gerard (Frank/Jamia)
Length: 1300 words
Rating/Warnings: M, angst
Summary: Set after
Not As AdvertisedA/N: This was a quick-write and it's not been beta'ed. All mistakes are mine.
You want him, don't you? )
Comments 22
Thank you so much, sweet love. This was exactly what I love about this 'verse of yours, the longing that Frankie L has for a life other than his own.
Except he's not looking at him, he's looking at the other Frank, with one of the expressions Frank's never been the target of before. Frank's breath catches in his throat and for just one moment he wishes for something impossible. Then he leans up and kisses Gerard.
Oh, you broke me with that. *pets and cuddles Frankie*
I really need to work on this cheering people up thing. Puppies and kittens would be more appropriate wouldn't they?
Oh god I'm the DUMBEST bb. I'm so sorry.
Also, really really really love this 'verse. Thank you.
Here is a puppy in the meantime:
( ... )
I love how you make it so incredibly hot and yet so painful. Really wonderful job.
Thanks so much for responding, I'm glad you liked it. <3
dude, this is amazing. you got SO MUCH in to a very few words! Just - the continuation of this universe, how easy you pulled me back in, how it made sense, this sort of on-going weirdness that starts to feel almost normal, b/c it's what they have to do to keep going. I love how this other Frank KNOWS. And understands. And the idea of Gerard drawing the tattoos on him is ALMOST TOO MUCH. like. I cannot stop thinking of it. Frank with his head tilted so Gerard can draw the scorpion on - nrrrrrgh. and the hands. and how easy they both are with it, the INTIMACY of it. AUGH. I LOVE IT.
and then when he shows up at Gerard's door and Gerard's reaction and how he believes it for a few minutes, and it BREAKS MY HEART for both of them when he figures it out, and just - :((((( BOYS.
I really loved this. Is my point. <3
I honestly didn't realise how hurty this was when I was writing it, or even when I was posting it (LOL most depressing cheerup fic EVER). I'm so glad it spoke to you. The tattoo drawing scene is one of my most favourite things, and I really like the idea of them getting into the habit of doing that, that Frank will step in for Frank when he's not up to it or sick or whatever. And it does work for them in this weird backwards way, and that's how I feel about this Frank and Gerard, eventually it will work for them in some weird way.
Thanks so much for commenting, it means a lot. <3
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