Title: "Grateful youth"
Author: LadyFromPoland
Pairing: Merlin/Lancelot
Set: during ep.05 s.01
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~2500
Summary: Lancelot is grateful for Merlin's help. Thanks to him he has a chance to meet Arthur and become a knight. Merlin is innocent and inexperienced but it makes it hotter.
Grateful youth )
Comments 9
I like it so much)
Thank you so much for this drabble!
"What do you mean by man on man actions?"- oh nothing Merlin... you just lie down and think of Uther, I will take care of you... oh Lance you dirty, dirty little boy, you rescue them now to screw them later XD
I bet that the next day when Arthur will ask Merlin why is he wincing with every step, he will tell him: "Oh, it's nothing, just some man on man action with Lancelot", and Arthur will go all, mine, Mine, MINE... and he will kiss Merlin and then challenge that 'Lecherous Beast'... and they will live happily ever after.
I must now go and read Canterbury Tales, but I will be back later to read the rest!
Good(?) news! (happpy announcement - and you got what I'm sayin' babe :D) There are our test results. You're happy, aren't you?
I've already read "Cantembury Tales" and I can honestly say that the second story was far better. I still can't believe that they made us read about the cock and his 7 hen wifes!
And you see what you've done to me? I write to you in English, my dear SlashDragon!
A twój komentarz mnie rozwalił i po drugim zdaniu nie byłam pewna czy chcę dalej czytać. :D
As far as canterbury tales are concerned i read them jesterday and i still think that knight should have been killen on sight for dis lecherous dids...
A po angielsku będę pisać ile będę chciała:P chociażby dlatego że gramatyka jest prostsza.
Jak żałosne jest to że do napisania tego zdania musiałam użyć słownika?
And I do bugger it!
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