TVD 3.14: Dangerous Liaisons (a review... or not) (posting from the grave of supposed hiatus)

Feb 10, 2012 10:20

I have only 1 question upon watching this episode.

Katerina Graham. WHAT. DID. YOU. DO? Like, I'm serious. There is some serious lack of anything for this character and at this point I'm losing the ability to can. Jesus.

And needless to say. The reveal that Bonnie's ancestors from Ayanna down have been exploited, mooched on, subordinated, enslaved, oppressed and all manner of fuckery by white vampires/witches/people/puppies/whatthefuckever is not amusing. In the slightest. Please attempt to be subversive in a broader sense with your narrative, show. Or else take the time to tell these narratives so that we can get a clearer picture on all parties involved. Because while I love Esther being so ruthless and vicious and desperate in her desire to fix her mistake, and obliterate the abominations that are her children from the face of the earth. I DESPISE the fact that as per usual, it happens on the backs of Bennetts through the ages... as in this has been going on for a millennium. Do you not see what you are doing here?

No doubt, Bonnie will be here once again next week to do what she believes she's been called to do. And I love that. I do. Because that is how Bonnie operates, she DOES, even when it'll break her, and it's wonderful. But some things about this show make me hate it too, with the fire of a thousand burning suns. And the underlying themes of this episode, Bonnie's complete exclusion from it, the utter ABSENCE of her narrative are a huge part of it.

Also, damn, Esther, you couldn't swing an invitation for the descendents of Ayanna, your.... friend (?) (maybe they were 'friends' in the way Katherine and Emily were 'friends'?). That's cold. (I do love your rather sonorous voice, so whatever, keep talking and I'll likely keep listening ;))

In other news.

+ YES. ELENA. I'm loving this careening into darkness situation you've got going. Continue to embrace gray moralities, continue to fight to write your own narrative, it will take you far in this universe. I'm just loving it, you guys. This is how to survive. Sorry, Elijah. She probably could've asked for a few more details given how witches always get you in the fine print when it comes to their spells. I wonder if this one will take out all the abominations with the Originals.

(Although, Elijah is looking to be nice and villainous in next week's episode about the whole not getting killed by Esther and I'm glad of it. You don't become him without being as vicious and ruthless as any other millennium-old vampire. Sadly, I think this means he'll either die or else, the better option, be daggered again.)

Either way, Elena was playing the game. Like if TVD is the Tween version of Game of Thrones (something I genuinely believe, like GoT but less-good and stuff), then Elena's narrative and the way she's slowly learning to play this game, and to manipulate, and to use her supposed weaknesses and liabilities to her advantage gives me many of the feels.

+ So. I kind of had some Stefan feelings again this week. Like, the last time I had such feelings was in "Our Town" (I think?). And Stefan/Elena feelings. Like, I wasn't prepared for them. And I haven't decided what to make of them yet. Because I have some issues there and the dialogue was dubious, setting up dubious parallels and such that I don't really buy. And I'm just not so good with this one's head. But yeah. There it is.

+ LOL, fandom whining about how she was mean to Damon will continue to amuse me for at least a few weeks. Why do so few people "get" how these characters and this ship function? And I knew you wouldn't let me down, Damon re: a soon-coming breakdown of sorts, bless you. And also bless your self-mythology being shattered by the cruel reality. You ARE a huntsman desperately in search of a queen, and it delights me that you continually reaffirm that in this narrative. And the show continually spits in the face of this because honey, no. Internal consistency, what are you?

+ Since I was recently complaining about the lack of sex on this show somewhere, I'm going to say, YES PLEASE to fucking against walls. There's really not enough casual sex going on around here for a show about vampires.

+ I continue to be flabbergasted by the depths to which fail!villain Klaus sinks. This is epic tbh. And my crack!dialogue came true - Mikael did "kill" one of Klaus' horses and he's lived with the trauma of it for a millennium! Interesting parallels to Damon, and how Klaus constructs his self-narrative in relation to the female fixation of the hour - in this instance, Caroline. We'll have to see where that goes. I liked her calling him out on being an emotionally damaged so-and-so. But given that this show is ... this show, I have no doubt it's going to happen in some way, shape or form.

It's not really a narrative I am invested in so - oh well. Just please, please do not be terrible about Caroline. I beg of you.

+ Given Roerig's interviews this week, I am inclined to ask: what is a Matt?

+ Lol, Kol.

+ I am so bitter that my tag!fic for Finn didn't come t pass. And that they cut off his hair. Why, show?

p.s. This is me.... not being on hiatus. Whoops. I had a good internet connection, okay.
p.p.s. This isn't even an intelligent anything. I'm ashamed. Meta will come though... one day as I have thoughts. Too many of them.
i) All ye cruel mothers, come unto me.
ii) All ye witches and hags, ye weird women and sorceress, come unto me (everyone knows you're the reason any shit gets done). Your narratives are fascinating and kind of tragic but fuck, I need to talk about it.
iii) All ye doppelgangers, you princesses who are forced to become queens and who grasp that mantle with both hands even when it hurts, who struggle to sing your own songs and tell your own stories, I have feelings.

tv: vampire diaries, lol this show is crack fic come to life

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