But you forgot to ask which sentence I thought was the most brilliant."The buzzing of a cel-phone set to "vibrate" fragments the remnants of the dream before Sean can figure out what part he was to play" Love that use of words. Or am I just putting it there, to represent his own feelings.
Heh. I couldnt get my Sean muse to tell me if his subconscious was going to give Dave a "reward," there on the steps, or take his heart on the altar.
Glad you liked that one. Tried for a contrast between the world and the dream. sounds like it worked for you. Thanks for the feedback. It helps me know what works and if I cross the line over into corny.
Favorite Line? Easy! my fav line is definitely "If he sounds a little breathy and a little aroused, he's alright with it" That is a damn sexy line! Says a whole lot and I adore it. It says "everything" actually. As I am sure you meant it to.
"smoke-scarred" description" I did like it a lot and no sooner had I read "smoke-scarred" my brain went **ohhh Normy**. I did not mention it though because I wasn't sure if I thought it was brilliant and sexy because it "is" or just because it's "Norm" ;))) I love the way you describe so very much in so few vivid and well chosen words.
yah, Norm has the distinctive thing going for his voice, definitely. I think that was the line I was most worried about in this piece. Thanks again for the feedback.
I've always imagined Sean as someone who dreams in infra-red, ultra-violet and everything in-between. Saturated. Like the colors available aren't enough to encompass the richness of his sleeping mind.
"come to receive his prize or offer himself up for sacrifice with equal dignity."
Very Very Very few things can describe the way someone carries themselves such as this. I like it :) and uh yah you win, so i do read your stories....deal with it ;)
Comments 14
Glad you liked that one. Tried for a contrast between the world and the dream. sounds like it worked for you. Thanks for the feedback. It helps me know what works and if I cross the line over into corny.
That is a damn sexy line! Says a whole lot and I adore it. It says "everything" actually. As I am sure you meant it to.
Did the "smoke-scarred" description of Norman's voice work, or was it cheesy?
...and Sean has himself some really hot dreams there, doesn't he?
So yeah. Phone call from Reedus...
God, wish I had his voice in my ear waking me up in the mornings...*sigh*
Favourite line? '...a smoke-scarred laugh tickles at his ear.' Just....yeah. I can hear it.
Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Very Very Very few things can describe the way someone carries themselves such as this. I like it :) and uh yah you win, so i do read your stories....deal with it ;)
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