This afternoon I went out to lunch with a friend/co-worker who is leaving tomorrow for Seattle, where she'll be moving for the foreseeable future. I think the move will be good for her and that it will give her some her some much needed distance from all the drama that has been upsetting her life the past couple of months
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And then there are just some days when you just fucking give up and accept that No, really, you fail at life and try to move on with it the best you can. *sigh*
Since my entire life and all my commitments in the whole wide world are due monday, anyone want to go out for reading days? I'd be interested in getting together for food, shopping, video games or a movie - I've been kind of wanting to see The Fountain, and I still have not seen The Illusionist or The Last King of Scotland. Any takers?
So, at 6:30, right before leaving Mills, the wonderful person that she is, justjay gives me one of these to help get me through the rest of this crazy day. (Really, I think the only reason she gave me one was because she wouldn't have to deal with the consequences
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