Character Development Questions

Sep 22, 2013 19:41

Selected from a psychologist's new patient form







What sort of work are you doing now?

Does your present work satisfy you?

What kind of jobs have you held in the past?


If you were not brought up by your parents, who raised you and between what years?

Describe your father's (or father substitute's) personality and his attitude towards you (past and present)

Describe your mother's (or mother substitute's) personality and her attitude towards you (past and present)

In what ways were you disciplined or punished by your parents?

Give an impression of the home atmosphere in which you grew up. Mention state of compatibility between parents and between children.

Were you able to confide in your parents?

Did you feel loved and respected by your parents?


Scholastic strengths

Scholastic weaknesses


What are some special talents or skills that you feel proud of?

What would you like to start doing?

What would you like to stop doing?

How is your free time spent?

What kind of hobbies or activities do you enjoy or find relaxing?

If you could have any two wishes, what would they be?


What are your five main fears?

What are some positive feelings you have experienced recently?

When are you most likely to lose control of your feelings?

Describe any situations that make you feel calm or relaxed.


What sensations are pleasant for you?

What sensations are unpleasant for you?


Describe a very pleasant image, mental picture, or fantasy.

Describe a very unpleasant image.

Describe your image of a completely “safe place.”

Describe any persistent or disturbing images.

How often do you have nightmares?


Are you bothered by thoughts that occur over and over?

What worries do you have?


Do you make friends easily? Do you keep them?

Do/did you date much?

Were you ever bullied or severely teased?

Describe any relationship that gives you joy.

Describe any relationship that gives you grief.

Do you have anyone with whom you feel comfortable sharing your most private thoughts?


How long did you know your spouse before your engagement?

How long were you engaged before you got married?

How long have you been married?

Describe your spouse's personality.

What do you like most about your spouse?

What do you like least about your spouse?

What factors detract from your marital satisfaction.


Describe your parents' attitude toward sex. Was sex discussed in your home?

When and how did you derive your first knowledge of sex?

When did you first become aware of your own sexual impulses?

Have you ever experienced anxiety or guilt arising out of sex or masturbation?

Is your present sex life satisfactory?


Are there any problems in your relationships with people at work?

One of the ways people hurt you is:

You could shock someone by:

Your spouse (boyfriend/girlfriend) would describe you as:

Your best friend thinks you are:

People who dislike you:

Are you troubled by any past rejection or loss?


Any health conditions?

Do you get regular exercise?

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