The Who's Who of IPgate

Jun 05, 2003 10:32

I guess it can be awfully confusing when trying to figure out who's who among all these IP numbers IPgate. Which was a comment to Our Story.

As I was having problems falling asleep last night, nothing new since this hate campaign started a few weeks back, I decided to see where these numbers led to. Now tartanboxers had some ideas.

This is what I found, mind you THESE ARE MY FINDINGS. I am not speaking for any group or organization, since I am not on the board of directors of any group or organzation.

I am not trying to infer anything with this. I picked a random name from that list of IP numbers tracked by us and other groups and decided to see where the numbers went. This is what I came up with. I'm sure you can move these names around and come to your own conclusion.

MSScribe was pottersginny
Pottersginny was Fermatojam

MSScribe was SarahKJames
SarahKJames was Pottersginny

MSScribe was Clarabella21
Clarabella21 admitted to being Fermatojam
Fermatojam was Kellie(annoymous poster)
Kellie(annoymous poster) was MelodyAnnSings

If this is confusing, I'm sorry, but the whole entire ordeal is confusing. Each line contains TWO names, and an IP code that was matched to them. As I said, this was my view, play around and see if you can come up with another.

An Edit: Just to clarify things. We have a confession from clarabella21 where she states that she used msscribe's computer, logged into SarahKJames's account, and posted on GT as fermatojam. Please take this information into account when drawing your conclusions.

Marian (for Marian)
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