surprise!buttsex is always a surprise

Dec 03, 2008 01:51

At the (feeble) insistence of mresundance in my previous post, I visit this blight upon you:
a couple of Legend of the Seeker macros and one Dark Angel, which is a bit old, but since it's surprise!buttsex, it doesn't get old, because it's always a surprise, right?

First, how did they dare think we wouldn't notice that bit of skin we were cheated out of?!

And now onto the surprise!buttsex proper:

The Seeker has mad!skillz. And a big staff, apparently.

Max is no stranger to the anatomical impossibilities either. Some marsupials in her cocktail? Wait, I don't really wanna know.

And now I go back to wrestling with xvid, until I bend it to my will or fall asleep. Wish me luck.

fandom: dark angel, macroez oh noez!, fandom: legend of the seeker

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