I've been sick in bed with bronchitis and a fever of 102 for the past three days. I got home from Florida Thursday and was supposed to go to work New Year's Eve, but that just wasn't happening. I'm sure they all think I flaked out to go party, but it's not like I'd do that even if I was healthy and free!
Anyway, like I said, I went to Florida for the holidays. It was pretty much as I expected. My brother was obnoxious, his girlfriend was loud and obnoxious, my nephew is deteriorating into a smaller version of this parents, with 'disgusting' added into the repertoire. It's depressing to see my grandmother having to put up with it all in her twilight years when she should be long done with raising a family and just relaxing, but I'm beyond trying to help her see that. I spent a lot of time with her this time around. We both have bad backs so we spent most of it lying in her bed with the door closed just talking.
Christmas was nice. Everyone liked what I got them. I get my mom a Lorimar pendent, Joe and Heather a DVD, and Logain an airplane pilot's hat for his dress-up chest. I got lots of stuff off my wish list and some more besides:
My grandma got me the craft books and the hoop knitter set (plus she made the kitchen towels), Joseph got me the sonic screwdriver, the Doctor Horrible comic, and Good Omens. Mom or Santa got everything else: a peace sign snuggie, a knitted cap and a fedora, the farting hippo(!), lots of candy, socks...
The 26th we did my birthday since we were going to be in Orlando the next day.
Nanny gave me some cash, but the real gift was the ticket to Universal. After dinner Joe, Heather, and I went to game night at a friend's house.
I don't really want to go into my birthday and Universal at all because it was ruined by Logain being an awful brat. I didn't even want to take him, but I didn't tell mom because then it would just be me being selfish, but I knew what would happen and it did. I spent more time being completely pissed off and frustrated and close to tears than I did enjoying myself, so I really just don't want to think about it.
But here are some pictures of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter which was amazing! I want to go back again when I can really appreciate it. Between Logain the crowds (OH MY GOD the crowds!), the only time I could really enjoy it was when we were on a ride, and when we went into Honeydukes at the end.
I did get some Butterbeer. It was good, a bit like a thick cream soda with a head on it. I got some pumpkin juice, but I forgot it in the fridge :( I got a T-shirt, and a chocolate frog, and Pygmy Puff! Mom also got me these beautiful earrings from this Indian-themed shop.
I started feeling sick the very next day. It didn't go full-blown until I had gotten home, thankfully, and the flight was uneventful. I've pretty much just been sleeping since then. 2011 hasn't started out the best for me, but then, it can only go up from here, right?