So much YAY! But especially kitteh yay! (Cats make me silly.)
So much greenery...that's what struck me about Virginia too, all the green everywhere. CA is not like that unless you're up in the Boffin's environs. Even though I live in a more "rural" area (well, it's rural on the other side of town), it's not pretty and green like where you are.
Aww, I know. I love cats. Always had them running around when I was growing up. Although, I must admit I always wanted a dog as well and still have never got one. Sadface.
It is quite green over here. There's not much of an opportunity to walk anywhere and enjoy it since I live kind of far from things, but sometimes a drive through all the greenery on a sunny day such as today was is just as good as a nature walk.
this made me feel really strange. i can't explain. seeing where you are for real. i sort of missed you in a bad, painful way. couldn't it all be on my street.
While I was growing up we had several cats, but we weren't allowed any pets inside the house so they were kind of just roamers that stuck around because we fed them, heh.
Comments 9
So much greenery...that's what struck me about Virginia too, all the green everywhere. CA is not like that unless you're up in the Boffin's environs. Even though I live in a more "rural" area (well, it's rural on the other side of town), it's not pretty and green like where you are.
It is quite green over here. There's not much of an opportunity to walk anywhere and enjoy it since I live kind of far from things, but sometimes a drive through all the greenery on a sunny day such as today was is just as good as a nature walk.
( ... )
And thanks!
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