Dangerous things happen when I'm bored and have just been practicing relative clauses in Latin.
olim erat urbs in qui populus habitaverunt. puella erat cuius nomen Linna erat, et ea foexit (?). Ala, quae pulcherrima puella erat (ea cogitavit), Linnam abominavit. saepe pugnaverunt. benevola Sparra pugnas erat non laetus. citharum cecinit, et puellae in ranam transformaverunt. Linna et Ala erant iratissimus.
"ribbit!" dixit Linna.
"croak!" inquit Ala.
Sparra risit. populus congregaverunt.
dumus Alae Sparram adsiluit. nunc Sparra erat iratissimus. "Sieranus!" clamat Sparra. Sieranus erat iuvenis qui Sparra amavit. Sieranus fortis dumum pugnat, sed dumus suram praerodit.
populus riserunt. non adiuverunt, quod erat acroama.
Once there was a city in which people lived. There was a girl whose name was Linny, and she had a bad smell. Aly, who was a beautiful girl (she thought), hated Linny. They often fought. Kind Sparrow was not happy with the fights. She played the violin (lute), and the girls transformed into frogs. Linny and Aly were very mad.
"Ribbit!" said Linny.
"Croak!" said Aly.
Sparrow laughed. A crowd gathered.
Aly's rosebush leaped on Sparrow. Now Sparrow was very mad. "Sieran!" cried Sparrow. Sieran was a young man who Sparrow loved. Brave Sieran fought the rosebush, but the rosebush bit him on the leg.
The crowd laughed. They didn't help, because it was an entertainment.
((Sieran, Aly, Linny, and Sparrow copyright their respective owners))