Wow, so I've never written a Dear Santa letter before. This should be interesting!
Dear Santa,
I hope I am not a difficult person to please! I've requested some weird fandoms, it's true, but then again, I am a weird person.
Squicks in ALL fandoms are non-con, scat play, and excessive angst. BDSM mostly doesn't bother me as long as its safe/sane/consensual (OT3!).
What I most love are complicated, loving relatioships, as explicit or implicit as you like. I'm a person who looks for happiness, really. The story can be angsty or dark as long as it ends on a hopeful note. I also like STORIES. I love day-in-the-life, AUs, really almost anything as long as it's well-written. Grammar is awesome. Any rating, from G-NC17, is fine.
Firefly: Really, I'm looking for pretty standard h/c here. It can be established relationship or getting together after War Stories, whatever you want to do.
Ultimate Spider-Man: If you're doing this fandom, I love you forever. I'd be squicked if the Gwen in this story is Carnage, so, pre-Gwen's death. AU it, set it before she died, whatever. Gwen and MJ getting along, and probably tackling Peter, would be completely awesome.
Harry Potter: Any situation in which one or two of the three have to/choose to take care of the others, or even of baby Harry. h/c is fine, but so is just doing favors or chores or whatever for someone.
Smallville: I'm, er, not really up on recent seasons, but if you want to set it late I can follow along! I'd love something set in the first four seasons. And world domination because our current system is a shambles would be wonderful. They can be seriously considering it or tossing the idea around teasingly, whatever works for you.
Also, for all of the above, I wouldn't mind a V-type relationship, but I'd love if everybody was in it together.
Aaand . . . I think that's it. I hope I picked something up your alley. Thank you, good luck, and see you in January!
Lady Mordecai