Greetings, fellow threesome writer,
What I most enjoy are complicated, loving relationships, as explicit or implicit as you like. Happiness is a major theme of my requests this year. The holidays can be tiring and depressing--I'd love a little comfort fic. I like found families, day-in-the-life, plot, AUs, really almost anything as long as it's well-written. Grammar is awesome. Any rating, from G-NC17, is fine.
Squicks in ALL fandoms are non-con, scat play, and excessive angst (h/c is fine as long as it's heavy on the "c"!). BDSM mostly doesn't bother me as long as its safe/sane/consensual (OT3!).
Torchwood: I wish these three interacted more in canon, because we get really tantalizing glimpses of Ianto and Tosh maybe being friends as the quieter personalities in series one, and they both became a little mouthier in series two (which I enjoyed). Jack also seems to see them more clearly than Owen and Gwen do. Exploring how adding Jack and Jack/Ianto effects this relationship could be interesting. There's also, of course, aliens--invasions, artifacts, archives, tourists--and they're fun too.
Stargate: Atlantis: I tend to see John, Rodney and Elizabeth as the ruling three (military, science and civilian/diplomacy), so the burdens and highs of leadership seem to be a definite connection between them. On the surface they might also be a very fractious group with very different backgrounds, but Atlantis binds them together.
Marvel Comics: The humor and the kickass good guy attitude was what attracted me to New Avengers, even though my corner of Marvel tends more toward X-Men. Coordinating a marriage, a kid and a threesome with an active superheroic lifestyle, all while living in Stark's building, can't have been easy. I'd really like a pre-Civil War story.
DC Comics: Probably the only thing that would be too weird for me is if Babs was still Batgirl/could walk. I tend to be very grounded in Babs's character after she becomes Oracle. The dorky sides of these characters appeals to me, Boostle's goodhearted humor and Babs and Ted's geekiness. Inclusion of the JLI, or resurrecting Ted and its consequences, or playing with how baby Rip happens might be fun, but go with whatever inspires you.
3_ships being what it is, the above are just suggestions for a writer who got a surprising fandom, or characters in a fandom that they're not sure of (DC and Marvel being, well, epic-sized, 60+ years of material fandoms). If you want to write something I didn't mention at all, or the crazy space pirate AU you have sudden inspiration for (which is not wildly unlikely in any of my fandoms, now that I think on it), go for it!
Also, feel free to poke around my fanfic tag and memories if you're looking for more insight.
Thank you, good luck, and I'll see you in January!