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Comments 18

pen_dragon June 16 2004, 01:28:15 UTC
I bid "WTF"?

Good lord, dear... who/what/when/where/why?


*Raises hand* john_story June 16 2004, 01:32:34 UTC
Hey hun, where/how did you get this list?? *blinks* Well personally from me, I dont agree with any of it and I consider you a roleplayer in the truest sense. The change on how you treated Damien from Cip to Dixie has been enormous. You and Cathy have been some of the most inspiration for me in playing Damien. In fact, both of you ICly has forged what Damien is today.
And I can never, ever thank you enough for the Roleplay and becoming my friend.
And in response to what you've said to me. You help me see things differently as well
Much love to you my friend.


tinsoldier June 16 2004, 02:01:41 UTC
You playing PC's that have to be everyone's friends!? Hee hee.. now that's rich. Adam Orelton and Cip worked together for a really long time and I'm still not sure that she didn't try to have him whacked at least once. ;)

Puhlease.. you get any of these complaints to your face, send them to me, I'll set them straight...

gimme a fuckin' break.


northernminx June 16 2004, 03:01:40 UTC
::recalls the Ciprianna/Samantha scene...::

Katana's drawn. Evil grin. look at poor piteous PC.
Meet you in the middle....

everyone's friend??? ::points up at Dan's comment:: I think I'm possibly the only person who might be able to claim that cip didn't try to have them gakked and even THEN I can't say that for certain.

Ignore the idiots love. Though as always i love your perspectives.

We need another no shit there I was" night at SERE


LOL john_story June 16 2004, 04:03:18 UTC
I knwo of one PC and that was because of his Sire, Mama Cass.
And people wonder WHY Damien is to....twitchy?
*points to CIP*


Re: LOL northernminx June 16 2004, 17:58:40 UTC
::looks cute:: but we're innocent. No...really....


cimry June 16 2004, 02:16:00 UTC
Umm...you play everyone's friend? Okayy...damn I missed the memo yet again. granted most of our characters are friends, but damnit, we wrote that into their backgrounds for specific reasons, because we LIKE to rp with each other!! It's the same with Lana, we write our char's together so we can play together! since when is this a bad thing?

*shakes head* just the thought of Cip as everyone's friend? Hell..she liked Syndell and still gave her freakin nightmares!! since Syn got to see just what happened when Cip didn't like someone *shudders*

there will always be those who, for whatever reasons, will accuse you of cheating, metagaming, sleeping with Caine, etc etc. These are also usually the ones who have NO business talking about someone elses IC drama, because their OOC drama beats it hands down!!

Love ya!!

*smirks about Vill's cotarie*


flawedpottery June 16 2004, 02:28:21 UTC
i like your characters because you have actual characters not pieces of paper. I like how you roleplay, and i like that you're fair. Screw everyone else :). I enjoy having you around, people who don't ask too many questions :P and try too hard.


jerel June 16 2004, 14:11:30 UTC
I've only played in a couple of WW games with you, but from our past association [grin], I would have to say "YES" to this wholeheartedly.

Also, to your comment: I’m a VST that believes in good story

(I'm ASSuming a VST is a Storyteller.) You spoiled me rotten for everyother GM/DM/ST that has come after you. That first game we played together, I loved the depth of characters and the complexity of the story. I like a bit of hack'n'slash--and so did/does Jagger--but to me, gaming is one long improv exercise.

Eh. Tell 'em if they don't like it, find another group!


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