Sen arrived shortly after Pearline, pulling a trolley table laden with covered plates behind him. He was wearing a plain black suit, striped white shirt and a slim black tie. When he reached the far corner of the room, he conjured a small round table and two chairs (one of the few things he had mastered with a lot of help from Jojo). A white tablecloth appeared mid-air and sailed down, draping itself on the table. From the second level of the trolley, he took a small vase holiding some flowers and placed it in the centre.
"Your dinner is served." The boy walked up to the girl and offered her his arm to lead her to her seat.
Oh my. The boy really did take this very seriously. She suddenly felt very under dressed. She smiled brightly at the boy and took his hand, allowing him to lead her to her seat.
"Sen...everything looks lovely," she said with a smile. If it was this good now? She couldn't wait to try the food
Sen grinned and turned around to the trolley. "First course: Corncream soup with crabmeat and a hint of eggflowers." He pulled the lid off and revealed a steaming bowl filled with sunflower yellow soup.
"Tastes best with a serving of walnut bread." The boy sat down as well and placed the plate holding the bread between them. "Enjoy."
Oh goodness, this food looked heavenly. Just the aurmoa of it sent Pearline's tastes into overdrive. She smiled at him and thanked him before tasting the soup and biting into the delcious bread. Oh my god! this was much better then the junk they were serving down in the great hall! Shit, Sen should be cooking, he could charm it so there would be enough for everyone!
"Sen...I...this is the most delcious soup I have ever eatten"
Comments 18
"Your dinner is served." The boy walked up to the girl and offered her his arm to lead her to her seat.
"Sen...everything looks lovely," she said with a smile. If it was this good now? She couldn't wait to try the food
"Tastes best with a serving of walnut bread." The boy sat down as well and placed the plate holding the bread between them. "Enjoy."
"Sen...I...this is the most delcious soup I have ever eatten"
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