Title: Playing with Potter
Author: ladypratt
Rating: PG
Main Pairing:Harry/Draco
Author's Notes: This is my favorite scene of my Nanowrimo 2009 piece, edited and tweeked for Nishi. Sorry it wasn’t beta’d.
“Where are we going?” Harry demanded, irritated to be trapped in a muggle car with none other than Draco Malfoy.
“You’ll see,” Draco responded evilly, his half smirk warning him that no good was to come of this evening.
“Draco! You will tell me right now where we are going!” Harry huffed.
“Or what? You’re going to leave?” Draco continued to tease, enjoying Potter’s growing irritation.
“Draco Malfoy! You are the biggest pain in the arse that I have ever met!”
“Will you just trust me Potter. Have I ever hurt you or caused you any harm?” Draco flashed his trademark smile to him.
“Uhmm … Yes!” Harry flashed an annoyed face to him, continuing to pout in the passenger seat.
Draco drove down the deserted tree lined road, coming to a stop when he reached the empty parking lot at the end of the road.
“No. Tonight is about teaching you to dance.” Draco smiled back.
Draco moved around the back of the car to open the door for Harry.
Hmmm. It’s nice to see someone with manners these days, Harry thought. One benefit of being a Malofy.
Draco grabbed Harry’s hand and gently lifted him out of the car. It was a beautiful summer evening. The air was still and warm. The tree lined parking lot bordered a small stream and was surrounded by trees. Harry was fairly certain this must be Malfoys “date spot”. It just oozed romance.
Harry couldn’t believe he was out alone with Draco. The Slytherin was acting like a perfect gentleman, charming him with funny stories and jokes. Harry’s favorite was of Draco singing karaoke at a muggle bar to “In the Jungle”.
“Yeah, I somehow don’t picture you getting up in front of a bar full of muggles and singing that one,” Harry smiled back, laughing at the image in his mind.
“Oh - weee- o-o-o- a wee bum bum ba day” the blonde belted out, dancing around their private spot. “Oh, weeee - oooo-ooooo-oooo- a weeee- bummm- bummmm ba dayyy” he continued, louder then before.
“Oh, please stop, you’re killing my ears”, Harry teased as Draco hugged him from behind, singing proud and loud.
“Potter, these notes have won me big bucks on karaoke night!” he teased back, Draco nuzzled Harry causing the hairs on the brunette’s neck to stand on end.
“What, were they paying you to stop singing”, Harry joked back, finding it more difficult to come up with witty banter being so distracted.
“Oh, that’s it Potter! You are in for it now.” He broke from the embrace, going back to his car, opening the windows, and started his dance song playlist.
“Potter, you are learning to dance tonight!” the blonde began laughing heartily.
“Oh shut up!” Harry turned back to Draco in a panic as the blonde pulled him close.