(no subject)

Apr 25, 2003 02:57

-- Name :Heather
-- Birthdate :4-7-85
-- Birthplace :Atlanta, Georgia
-- Current Location :metro-atlanta
-- Eye Color :can be gold, olive green, or black
-- Hair Color :dark blonde
-- Height :fucking 5'3".....
-- Righty or Lefty :righty
-- Zodiac Sign :aries..can't remember that moon and rising crap

-- Your heritage :Irish, English, Greek
-- The shoes you wore today :didn't wear any...barefoot good
-- Your weakness :um...my lack of confidence
-- Your fears :rape,driving,spiders(anything with 8legs is EVIL!)
-- Your perfect pizza :xtra cheese w/mushrooms,onions,black olives,artichoke hearts,and banana peppers...damn pizza hut for not having banana peppers...bastards
-- Goal you'd like to achieve :Urm....get rich?

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM :lol
-- Your thoughts first waking up :damn mother (she always yells for me to wake up)
-- Your best physical feature :eyes
-- Your bedtime :whenever
-- Your most missed memory :my niece

-- Pepsi or Coke :Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King :mmm...chicken whopper
-- Single or group dates :never been on a real date of any kind
-- Adidas or Nike :um...no shoes! barefeet!
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea :hmm..whatever brand my mom uses tastes good
-- Chocolate or vanilla :chocolate! vanilla is NASTY
-- Cappuccino or coffee :anything remotely coffee-tasting is damned disgusting

-- Smoke :nope
-- Cuss :yep
-- Sing :nope
-- Take a shower everyday :mmm showers feel soo good....
-- Have a crush(es) :erm...not at this time
-- Do you think you've been in love :nope
-- Want to go to college :yep
-- Like high school :nope
-- Want to get married :um...probably not
-- Believe in yourself :nope
-- Get motion sickness :yep
-- Think you're attractive :nope
-- Think you're a health freak :nope
-- Get along with your parents :most of the time
-- Like thunderstorms :yep
-- Play an instrument :violin

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol :um...yep
-- Smoked :nope
-- Done a drug :nope
-- Had Sex :nope
-- Made Out :nope
-- Gone on a date :nope
-- Gone to the mall? :yep
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos :nope
-- Eaten sushi :nope
-- Been on stage :nope
-- Been dumped :nope
-- Gone skating :nope
-- Made homemade cookies :nope
-- Gone skinny dipping :nope
-- Dyed your hair :nope
-- Stolen anything :nope

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing :nope
-- If so, was it mixed company :see above
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated :nope
-- Been caught "doing something" :nope
-- Been called a tease :yep
-- Gotten beaten up :nope
-- Shoplifted :once
-- Changed who you were to fit in :tried

-- Age you hope to be married :erm..never
-- Numbers and Names of Children :mini-humans are evil demons from an alternate universe sent to cause hardship and pain
-- Describe your Dream Wedding :erm...shinto?
-- How do you want to die :quickly
-- Where you want to go to college:UGA
-- What do you want to be when you grow up :Research Immunologist
-- What country would you most like to visit :Japan

In a guy/girl..
-- Best eye color? don't care
-- Best hair color? don't care
-- Short or long hair :don't care
-- height :taller than my short ass
-- Best weight :don't care..skinny or meat on bones are both good
-- Best articles of clothing :um...I don't know
-- Best first date location :um..um....I don't know!
-- Best first kiss location :um...only time I've been kissed was in the first grade,he kissed both my cheeks,I kissed both of his, then we kissed on the lips...damn I wish I could get in contact with that boy..I wonder what kind of guy he is now....

-- Number of drugs taken illegally :um...is alcohol a drug?
-- Number of people I could trust with my life :hmm...4
-- Number of CDs that I own :none
-- Number of piercings :7
-- Number of tattoos :well...if Meg ever decides to design a nice faerie for me then I will get one ::narrows eyes at Meg:: >:P
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? :never
-- Number of scars on my body :um..5
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