Okay, after Charlie, Sayid is most definitely my favorite. So this episode meant a lot. *points to icon*
Okay, to be totally honest, I was a bit disappointed with this ep. I wasn't too squee-y about the preview for Solitary, but oh well. Mira Furlan was cool, and the music box aspect reminded me of Night of the Living Dead, which was cool, because I adore that movie. *ahem* Anyway...
Okay. I caught Kate looking at the ocean with a heartbroken but oh-so-meaningful face...AGAIN! Holy CRAP. She is bothering me with her "I like you, oh no I like YOU too" demeanor. Please. If you're gonna go stare at the ocean so much, feel free to throw yourself in.
I don't like Sawyer...again. My liking of him was good until he became such a sexual character and part of the *gack* love triangle. I mean, when he came up to the group and then the "ohmigod ohmigod he's like socializing!!!!" faces were plastered everywhere...I felt nauseated, and that was BEFORE the dramatic music began to play. And then, OF COURSE, Kate had the witty banter moment. The only thing that saved that scene was "we need the sunscreen, Princess."
Danielle/Mira. Cool. Liked her, as I said before. I thought she brought a really cool, unexpected edge to the show. And Sayid worked well with her...except I kept on getting scared that she'd try to kiss him or something. I'd fly through the tv set before I'd allow that to happen.
Walt as Locke's apprentice...not really digging it because I don't feel any chemistry between the characters.
Hurley...cool guy. Just fab.
The rash guy? He's like a mish-mash of one of my friends, my uncle, and my dad. But none of those three get hives. Anyway, it was refreshing to see someone new.
Loved the little moment where Sayid woke up after being sedated...and then when he threw the gun aside and it looked like he was posing. I laughed, he looked so cute...aside from Danielle pointing a gun at him. :)
Anyway. Everything with Sayid was good...his backstory was cool. I'm taking that Nadia didn't escape, as he said that she died...I just love the fact that he shot himself for her. But I don't like the fact that he got shot...so conflicted!
Jack is awesome, but some people don't like him because he's too formulaic. I like him a lot more than some of the people. *coughkatecoughsawyercough*
I like Boone and *gasp* Shannon. They amuse me. :)