Now this chapter has an odd history. I remember surfing on YT for EM/JJ vids and I found some very sad and depressing ones. One that stuck out particularly was one that combined scenes from Criminal Minds with scenes from "The Big Bad Swim". Brewster's character is scared of water and decides to learn how to swim. It sounds bad, but really, it's even worse, because she does so because her husband is neglecting her and she needs to get some power back. You'd think Brewster in a bikini would save the day, but, sadly, her character only wears these huge, neon blue bodies. I've seen more enticing...
One good thing though, Brewster runs a lot. She runs by a river and through the city, at night, during the day, you name it. And she is sad a whole lot of the time. So this creator picked the running scenes and the crying scenes and mixed them with Em/JJ scenes from Criminal Minds and BOOM. Awesome video.
Thus I was inspired to write this:
Lead the Way - 072 - JJ Goes Running
A routine. Tying the shoe laces. iPod, keys, some money and the watch. She remembered the watch she gave HER at their second Secret Santa. JJ shook her head. Back to the routine.
She was out on the street. She would run. She would run Emily out of her system. She would run until her lungs bled, until every muscle was sore or until she’d lose consciousness due to dehydration.
Running was cathartic. It always helped. It had to help here as well. It was empiric logic and it couldn’t fail. Yet somehow it did. JJ sat down on a park bench coughing and gasping for air. She drank from the water bottle she had bought two blocks ago.
Every time she closed her eyes JJ saw Emily kiss Sara. The fact that she had never actually seen them together didn’t help at all. And even if it wasn’t Sara. Even if it was Portia, Jodie or Jane it still wasn’t her.
She had broken up with her 42 days ago. Her plan had failed miserably. She had gotten through one day and then two and then three but it had never actually gotten any easier. Seeing her, listening to her, being forced to talk to her yet never being able to tell her to go to hell for making the world such a miserable place.
JJ was angry. She was hurt, sad, lonely and depressed. And she was angry. Who gave Emily the right to wreak havoc like this? She had a child for God’s sake. She wasn’t someone she could just use and then toss aside. It didn’t matter anymore what Emily had promised her. How she had said that all she ever wanted was for her to be happy.
It didn’t matter because she had broken the promise and proven herself to be a liar. JJ wanted to be happy with her and Emily refused to try. Emily had never hinted at the possibility that JJ might not be enough for her. JJ had wanted to make her happy. She would have tried. She would have liked to try. Heck, she would have loved to try.
Emily had denied her that. She had been game while it was all about fun and casual but as soon as she suggested that they should behave a little more like the grown ups they were Emily had bolted. Selfish, spoiled, irresponsible brat.
JJ deserved better than this and the fact that she knew exactly how many days had gone by since that night didn’t prove anything. Unless she allowed it to affect her JJ could simply ignore that she still had feelings for her co worker. She would simply ignore them away. Until they were gone. Behind her. She could hardly wait.
JJ was angry. JJ started running again. This time it would work. It had to.