Title: 2. Moving in (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: Merlin gets new neighbors
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: None
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 2. Moving in
A sixteen years old Merlin is lying around in her bed, in a Friday night watching for the sixth time the second season of Supernatural, when the sound of an engine interrupts her concentration on Jensen Ackles perfect lips.
With a frown, the girl glances at the digital clock on her bedside table before peering out the window. Someone is moving into the old house next door.
Merlin pauses the DVD and climbs on the window sill to get a better look at her new neighbors. They have a nice car; a silver BMW (she can’t tell the model because she is pretty much clueless about cars); and the girl can make out three heads inside.
The driver exits first and the lamp post light shines on blonde hair; but his back is turned to Merlin so she can’t see his face. A second door opens and a girl in her early teens bounces out with dark curly hair tied in a ponytail.
Finally, the third person exits the car and Merlin’s heart skips a beat.
Moving to the house next to hers was Arthur bloody Pendragon! Or at least, his freaking reincarnation!
Seriously, those Gods had a thing for screwing with Merlin’s mind!
Part 3