Title: 65. Ritual of Courtship (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: "If Merlin had thought that the whole wooing thing was just a bad joke, the next few days proved her wrong. Arthur was utterly serious and nothing subtle about it."
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 65. Ritual of Courtship
If Merlin had thought that the whole wooing thing was just a bad joke, the next few days proved her wrong. Arthur was utterly serious and nothing subtle about it.
He sent her boxes of chocolates, flowers, candy… He bought her CDs from her favorite bands, DVDs she wanted, books… all kinds of things. It was driving her crazy.
He seemed to be everywhere she was. He would hang around the diner and the bookstore when she was working and waited until her shift was over to drive her home. If she went to the movies with Gwen and Will, Arthur would be there to (conveniently) see the same movie too… It was maddening!
And what was it with all the touching? Arthur seemed unable to keep his hands to himself lately. Always finding an excuse to touch Merlin. Tuck a lock of hair behind her ear; or brush inexistent dirt from her cheek; warm her hands…
Arthur is nothing if not persistent. Merlin had to give him that. Even after she rejects his advances and presents he still keeps trying.
Okay, maybe Merlin hadn’t rejected everything he sent her.
Archie is really cute and cuddly and it smells like Arthur (something she was sure it was Morgana’s doing).
And the chocolates. Who in their right mind would reject chocolates? Arthur made sure to buy one of those expensive brands that are just delicious.
The candies too. Arthur got all her favorite ones. And she finds that rather suspicious. There were some that only her mother and Gwen knew she loved and, somehow, Arthur had known too.
And the CDs, because some of them were rarities that she would never have enough funds to buy. The same thing with the DVDs.
And having him around on the diner and the bookstore is rather enjoyable when things are slow and boring.
And maybe she didn’t really mind the touching either, because honestly, her hands are always cold and her hair keeps falling on her eyes… It feels good every time Arthur touches her; like a spark of electricity running through her spine and butterflies fluttering in her belly.
No, no, no! Merlin shakes her head vigorously, clutching to Archie. She shouldn’t encourage his actions.
Merlin jumps to her feet and runs down the stairs. She has to talk to Arthur. This whole courtship thing has to stop!
part 66