Title: 85. Surprise, Surprise (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: Andrew and Susan have an announcement to make.
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 85. Surprise, Surprise
When Will drops Merlin outside Arthur’s house, he still shocked by everything she had told him and doesn’t say goodbye before speeding down the street. Merlin can’t really blame him. It’s a lot to take in.
She walks up to the front door, partly happy to ease some of the weight of that secret and partly guilty for dumping all on Will.
“You’re alright?” Arthur asks with a frown of worry, when he opens the door. “Things with Will went bad?”
“No. Not bad. Just…” Merlin sighs heavily. “Weird. I don’t want to talk about.”
“Alright.” Arthur concedes, kissing Merlin’s forehead. “Come on, table is already set for dinner.”
She lets Arthur guide her to the dinning room where Andrew, Susan and Morgana are already waiting.
Merlin is not really hungry; she doesn’t eat much, mind elsewhere. She doesn’t notice how Arthur keeps shooting her worried glances, or anything else, for that matter. The entire meal passes by her like a blur and Merlin only snaps for attention again, when Arthur nudges her side and sets a plate of desert in her hands.
“Where are you, Merlin?” He asks, sitting by her side.
“Sorry.” She smiles apologetic. “Just have a lot in my mind.”
“Well…” he says with a dramatic sigh. “Don’t strain yourself with it. Your poor brain cells may not handle all the overwork.”
Merlin smacks him on the arm, trying not to smile, but regardless, she feels a little better, her troubles slipping away a little.
“Er… can’t we talk to you?” Andrew asks, walking in the sitting room with Susan on his heels. Arthur and Merlin exchange puzzled looks.
“Of course.” He says, frowning. “What is it about?”
“Where’s Morgana?” Andrew asks, momentarily ignoring Arthur’s question.
“Right here!” The girl says cheerfully, jumping on the empty seat next to Merlin. “What is it?”
Andrew and Susan look at each other hesitant, before he turns back to the three adolescents sitting on the couch.
“Susan and I’ve been talking lately and… well, with all the troubles she and Merlin are going through lately with the house, we thought it would be a good idea, if…” He pauses, glancing at Susan again. “If Susan and Merlin moved in.”
Andrew finishes is speech, voice trembling only slightly and waits their reaction.
“Ohh…” Morgana is the first to say. “Is that all?” Both Susan and her father nods. “Alright then… Welcome to the family. Excuse me, I got to call Gawain.”
The girl stands up, smiles wide at Susan and pats Merlin on the back, before leaving the room.
“Okay.” Andrew says surprised. “I guess Morgana is okay with it. What about you two?”
Again, Arthur and Merlin exchange looks. They are not sure what to say to this.
“Well…” He starts slowly. “Don’t you think it’s a little too soon?”
“Yes, I guess it is.” Susan replies. “But it feels right. We’ve talked this through and we want to try it.”
She takes Andrew’s hand and squeezes it, sharing a happy grin with him.
“If you’re sure…” Merlin says with a shrug, looking at both adults.
“We are.” Andrew says, they could hear the excitement in his voice. “We’re really sure.”
“Alright then. Let’s moving in together.” Arthur says, turning to Merlin with a huge smile, before kissing her.
Susan clears her throat hesitantly and they break apart, looking up to her curiously.
“There will be a few rules for the two of you…”
Arthur groans a little, in displeasure as Merlin sags back with an unhappy sigh. They should have known it was too good to not have a catch.
part 86