Title: 99. Can't Lie To Me (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “Merlin, I’ve known you all my life. You can’t lie to safe your life; especially not to me. So tell me, what’s on your mind?”
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 99. Can’t Lie To Me.
“I’m meeting my father, tonight.” Merlin announces suddenly as she waits for Gwen to get out of the bathroom stall, sitting on the sink counter top.
“Really?” Gwen’s voice is a little muffled by the door. “That’s good. Are you nervous?”
“Kinda.” Merlin shrugs, even though her friend can’t see it. “I’m meeting his new family so it’s a little weird. He has a son.”
“How old is he?” Gwen asks exiting the stall and moving to the sink to wash her hands.
“Well, he’ll probably be more nervous than you.” She says with a reassuring smile.
“Yeah.” Merlin says distractedly as she watches Gwen.
“Ok, what?” Gwen asks with an eye roll of annoyance after she catches Merlin staring at her with a thoughtful expression again.
“Nothing.” The girl replies quickly looking away.
“You’ve been doing that for days now.” The older girl accuses with a half smile.
“Doing what?”
“Looking at me like you’re expecting something.”
“I don’t know what you’re taking about.” Merlin denies unconvincingly and Gwen just stares at her with an arched eyebrow.
“Spill it!”
“I have nothing to say. I swear.” Gwen sighs annoyed.
“Merlin, I’ve known you all my life. You can’t lie to safe your life; especially not to me. So tell me, what’s on your mind?”
Merlin regards Gwen for a second, considering her words.
“Alright.” Merlin relents. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
part 100