Title: 102. The Journal (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: In this fragile book there are accounts of all lives she couldn’t remember. Things she is dying to know, but Merlin is afraid of knowing. It’s like they say: ignorance is a blessing.
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 102. The Journal
For the first time since she and her mom moved in with the Princes, Merlin is alone. Morgana is out with Gawain and Arthur has practice today, so she has the afternoon all to herself.
Merlin retrieves the old leather book Gaius gave her almost a month ago from its hiding place and stares at it for long moments.
In this fragile book there are accounts of all lives she couldn’t remember. Things she is dying to know, but Merlin is afraid of knowing. It’s like they say: ignorance is a blessing.
Sighing deeply, Merlin opens the journal, pausing at the first page. It’s made of parchment and is so thin and delicate. She can feel a touch of magic on it, probably essential for it to last for so many centuries.
Merlin looks at the handwriting. It’s small and messy, like if the writer was in a hurry; and he probably was, she notices the date: April 1199. He was writing in the time of the crusades.
She scans the text quickly, noticing the writer wasn’t called Merlin, but Edward and he was a soldier under Lionheart’s orders. Merlin advances on the text faster, looking for a mention of Arthur. She guesses he’s not called Arthur then, but what was his name?
It takes Merlin a while to realize it, after seeing so many mentions of King Richard in the journal and Edward’s dedication to his king. It was Arthur. King Richard I, the Lionheart was Arthur’s reincarnation and Edward didn’t meet him face to face once.
It makes Merlin’s heart clench in pain. She wonders if that Arthur ever remembered about his past life as King of Camelot. If he ever remembered about his most devoted friend. About his lover.
Merlin closes the journal, unable to read anymore. There are probably more tales like that, in which Merlin never found Arthur and had to suffer quietly. She couldn’t bear to think about it. She was thankful she met her Arthur.
“Merlin?” She quickly looks up when Arthur calls her, hiding the book under her pillow. The blonde frowns in worry, noticing the tearful eyes. “Something’s wrong?”
Merlin shakes her head, looking down at her hands as Arthur moves closer and kneeling down before her.
“Everything is fine now.” She sighs, smiling down at him before hugging him tightly. “I’m glad I have you, Arthur.”
He holds her tightly against himself, confused. “I’m glad I have you too.”
part 103