Survived....not well.
Woke up at noonish as predicted, but kept drifting off to doze and forgetting to breathe. Then the little ozygen meter thing on my finger would beep and people would get nervous. Of course, I woke up when it beeped and did the inhaling thing, and it stopped. I explained to them that I just was forgetting about breathing much, they seemed to understand, but didn't support my observation that oxygen might be optional - which seemed perfectly reasonable at the time. Drank some cranberry juice thinking that might help me wake up, then dozed off again.
I couldn't decide if it was better to keep fighting it, or if I should just put the oxygen nose thing back on and sleep. The nurse kind of made the decision for me and I slept until 3.
Then woke up and she wanted me to eat toast. I thought that was questionable, but tried. Thus started a funny cycle of me eating - awake and cheerful. And two minutes later loosing it all. Once it was out of my stomache, I was fine again. Not nautious, not sleepy. Just unable to keep anything down - including pain pills which were starting to become a good idea. I think it was because I should, obviously, be on a diet of brains at this point. The rest of that stuff is somewhat toxic. So she put anti-puke stuff and pain killer in the IV stuff and I feel back asleep until 5. Then finished all the food they'd left with no problem.
Got home and have been dozing. Knee hurts a bunch and I'm concerned that the drugs I have don't seem to be helping. Unsure if that is a function of that they are working fine and it is just that screwed up or what. Also am freezing, so I'm gonna head back to my warm bed.
Evidently there was less cartilage damage than feard, and the rest of the surgery went fast and correctly. And yes, I have 2 titanium screws, so I'm cyborg as well as Zombie.
So I that was my excitement for the day. Never, ever again. And I recommend nobody else do it either.
Back to bed,