Another Update

Feb 05, 2009 11:07

Finally getting around to updating again....

Here are some pics of my boy - isn't he handsome?

And here's our family all together!

I sure love my family. They all rock!

So we all know that our little one has had some struggles with her growth, her eating, and everything in between! It seemed like she was starting to get the hang of things for a few days and then she turned the other direction and now she wants nothing to do with nursing. I'm pretty sad about that, but I've decided to take a big deep breath and just let it go. I'd rather enjoy her cute little smiles, coos, and snuggles than argue with her for an hour or more 6-8 times a day. So we are slowly transitioning to formula. I hate to do it, but my supply (especially because I'm pumping) isn't what it needs to be. So, there ya go. We've made it almost 3 months and it's been a fight the whole way. I figure we'll have enough fighting during her teenage years, so let's stop fighting for now. Like I said, I'm pretty sad about the whole thing, but I'm trying to think of the positives. I'd say I will miss our special time, but it's generally been a nightmare. Maybe next time - armed with the knowledge and experience I have now - things will go more smoothly!

That being said, Caroline has officially surpassed the 9lb mark. I haven't weighed her yet today (I rented a scale - I'm like a first time mom, I swear!), but at her last weight check she was 9lbs 5oz! She also continues to lengthen... she's gonna be tall - but that's not really a surprise. What I am really loving, though, is how alert she is getting and how many smiles we get to see on a daily basis (especially now that she is getting food!). I can't believe it's almost been 3 months since she joined us. I also can't believe how long it is taking me to get my life back together. I was told, however, that for each day in the hospital plan on a week of recovery. That explains a lot. But we're getting there.

That's our girl! She's a doll!

At least she's not as teenie as a doll anymore!

This past weekend was my parent's 40th wedding anniversary. My dad whisked my mom away on Wednesday to a beach house owned by some friends of ours from church. We were invited to join them for the weekend, so we packed ourselves up and off we went!

Can I just say that packing up a baby is way more work than I remember it being? Haha! Soren's packing involved me throwing a bag at him and saying - get clean underwear and some clothes. Caroline? Goodness. Diapers, wipes, 4,000 changes of clothes (she poops a lot... and everywhere), blankets, stroller, burp rags, breast pump, bottles, etc. etc. etc. And I want to travel across the country with her next month???? Yeah, I still do. Hee hee!

We flew kites:

This kite was given to us by our friends, Tom & April - we love it!

We also finally got out a kite that Soren received as a present from Grandma and Grandpa years and years ago:

I was going to take photos of the food we ate, but it's hard to do that when you are trying to feed both yourself and a baby! Needless to say, it was yummy!

This was the first big trip we've taken together as a family and we had a great time! It was very relaxing and wonderful to spend time away from the house! Hooray for getting OUT!
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