So I did this meme approx. 5 years ago. So I thought I'd do it again, just to see how different the answers were. It surprised me just how different a lot of them were... :-)
Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?: Belinda Caldwell
Are you named after anyone?: No, I wasn't. Well, my middle name came from the fact that I was born on Valentine's day, how's that?
What's your screename?: ladysilverangel
Would you name a child of yours after you?: God no, I'd feel sorry for the poor thing
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: I don't know. I don't think there were any names.
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Can I take a friend's middle name? I love the name Charlotte
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: Melinda. And no one can spell/say my last name half the time. I've also had "Brenda" "Brilinda" And "Brianna"
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: No, I like my name. And the scandles I'd possibly cause would just rub it into my family's faces.
Your gender:: Female.
Straight/Gay/Bi:: Straight, leaning towards Bi.
Single?: Nope :-)
If not, do you want to be?: VERY happily taken.
Birthdate:: 14/2/1988
Your age:: 23 years old.
Age you act:: 6 and a half
Age you wish you were:: I'd like to go back to being 19. Funny that.
Your height:: I do believe I'm about 5'3"? Around 164cm?
Eye color:: Greeeeeeeeeeeen
Happy with it?: I like my eyes, so yeah.
Hair color:: Erm. Mousey brown, with blonde and dark brown streaks.
Happy with it?: Thinking about getting it coloured again. Caramel & black streaks.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Right handed all the way. My left hand is lazy
Your living arrangement:: Currently bunking with Jordan and his parents.
Your family:: I have my mum, technically three sisters and a brother - all older.
Have any pets?: No, I'm dying to though. I miss having pets.
Whats your job?: Curriculum Assistant
Piercings?: None :-)
Tattoos?: None, I'm far too scared.
Obsessions?: Um, I'm not too sure that I have any "obbsessions" right now. Maybe The Script? Playboy? Anne Bishop?
Addictions?: Kisses.
Do you speak another language?: If you could call the gibberish I often come out with, sure.
Have a favorite quote?: "If we were all the same, Hell would be a very boring place." - Saeten, Black Jewels Trilogy
Do you have a webpage?: Yes, my livejournal.
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: I'd like to think that I do, sure.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Not really.
Do you have any secrets?: Oh yes. Am I going to share? Of course not.
Do you hate yourself?: Yes.
Do you like your handwriting?: Depends on the time.
Do you have any bad habits?: Oh yes.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: Lots of people compliment my hair, it's probably my best feature.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Crazy.
What's your biggest fear?: Spiders. Zombies. Spider zombies.
Can you sing?: Not well. Doesn't stop me.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: No. What's the point?
Are you a loner?: I wouldn't say so.
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Enjoyment. Happiness.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Hell no.
Are you a daredevil?: Not really. I stopped Jordan from licking my eyeball...
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Everything!!!
Are you passive or agressive?: I've come to realise that I'm a rather placid person, really. I'm aggressive on the inside, but aside from long rants, that agression doesn't really come to the surface much.
Do you have a journal?: My LiveJournal
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Strength: My ability to see the good in everything. Weakness: My own mind.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: My moods.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: I'm a LOT stronger than I used to be, but I don't know about overall.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: I try not to regret. But oh, there are so many things that I could.
Do you think life has been good so far?: It's certainly been an adventure
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Enjoy every single second and be true to who you are.
What do you like the most about your body?: The scar on my hip. It's the most that I've been physically marred and I just... like it.
And least?: My legs.
Do you think you are good looking?: Not really, no.
Are you confident?: No.
What is the fictional character you are most like?: Hm. Interesting question. I certainly know fictional characters I aspire to be like.
Are you perceived wrongly?: Sometimes, yes.
Do You...
Smoke?: Nope.
Do drugs?: No.
Read the newspaper?: Do online newspapers count?
Pray?: No.
Go to church?: No.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: Not these days.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Nope.
Take walks in the rain?: If it's a nice warm day, yes.
Talk to people even though you hate them?: Unless I can easily avoid it.
Drive?: Yes! :D
Like to drive fast?: Oh yes.
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: Sometimes it sounds alright.
Hurt yourself?: Accidently? Yes. On purpose? ... yes.
Been out of the country?: I CAN FINALLY SAY YES TO THIS QUESTION!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!!
Eaten something that made other people sick?: Yes. Rocky Road pancakes from Pancake Paradise after I'd mashed the whole mix up. It was pretty awesome, but looked so gross.
Been in love?: Oh, yes.
Done drugs?: I think I did, once.
Gone skinny dipping?: Yup. Don't wanna talk about it.
Had a medical emergency?: Huh. I guess I have.
Had surgery?: No, thankfully.
Ran away from home?: Yes, I think.
Played strip poker?: Nope. I like to avoid taking my clothes off in the presence of other peoples.
Gotten beaten up?: I did get into a cat fight once. But not really beaten up.
Beaten someone up?: I guess the cat fight?
Been picked on?: Yup.
Been on stage?: Absolutely. Great fun.
Slept outdoors?: Yesss :-D
Thought about suicide?: Yes. I did go through that stage.
Pulled an all nighter?: Plenty.
If yes, what is your record?: I have no idea. About 38 hours?
Gone one day without food?: Yup, when I was sick, lol
Talked on the phone all night?: I don't think I could talk for that long.
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: Yessums.
Slept all day?: Oh yes. While sick and also when not.
Killed someone?: No.
Made out with a stranger?: Yup.
Had sex with a stranger?: Funny question. Oddly not sure how to answer it.
Thought you're going crazy?: Ah huh.
Kissed the same sex?: Oh, yes. A few!
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Well... yeah.
Been betrayed?: Yes.
Had a dream that came true?: In both senses of the word, yes.
Broken the law?: Yes, I have.
Met a famous person?: Yeah. Go me!
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No. I thought I had when I ran over a cat - sat in the middle of the road and bawled my eyes out until I realised that it had just been stunned.
On purpose?: Fuck no.
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: Yes, I have. About myself and about other people.
Stolen anything?: Yeah. A pack of mentos from the servo.
Been on radio/tv?: Radioooooooooooooooo. Maybe TV in like a news thing about my school, when I was young?
Been in a mosh-pit?: Yeah... uncomfortable.
Had a nervous breakdown?: I've had a few anxiety attacks in my time.
Bungee jumped?: No, and nor do I want to. Sky Dive? Hell yeah.
Had a dream that kept coming back?: I've had a few of them. And I've had someone who also showed up in my dreams in one way or another for months.
Believe in life on other planets?: Certainly do.
Miracles?: No
Astrology?: Nope
Magic?: To an extent. I believe in the magic of life. And glittery things.
God?: Nope.
Satan?: No. But if Saetan was real, I'd want to hug him.
Santa?: Giggle. No.
Ghosts?: Hmm, loaded question. I won't start on that, though.
Luck?: I don't think so.
Love at first sight?: No. You need to really know someone.
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: To an extent.
Witches?: Not really. I like the practice of Wicca, though. It's pretty.
Easter bunny?: Unless it's Wednesday dressed up, no.
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: Faithful to what?
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: In this day and age, no.
Do you wish on stars?: Yes. It's fun.
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: No. I did though, I know I'd be going to Hell.
Do you think God has a gender?: I don't believe in God.
Do you believe in organized religion?: To give people an excuse? No. But I do believe in Cultural Diversity.
Where do you think we go when we die?: This question depends on so many things.
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Oh, yes. I love them.
Who is your best friend?: Melissa. That girl has seen me through (just about) everything. It's sad to feel that we're growing apart though.
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Most about me? Melissa.
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: "Live life to the fullest." Corny, but true.
Your favourite inside joke?: I have so many with Jordan and I love them <3 Today my favourite would probably be "Oh, so that's his face!"
Thing you're picked on most about?: Erm... being me?!! Haha.
Who's your longest known friend?: Melissa.
Newest?: Jen!
Shyest?: Niall.
Funniest?: Oh, what a horrible question! They all make me laugh.
Sweetest?: Jordan. He's an amazingly caring person.
Closest?: I can tell Sarah, Kristen and Jordan absolutely everything.
Weirdest?: Jordan. Haha.
Smartest?: Trevor. The guy is Mr Google.
Ditziest?: I guess Sarah, in a sense.
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Melissa.
Last person you talked to online?: Niall.
Who do you talk to most online?: Niall... Jordan when I can though. Kelly whenever I can!
Who are you on the phone with most?: Mum.
Who do you trust most?: Jordan. Sarah and Kristen.
Who listens to your problems?: Jordan. Sarah and Kristen. When I actually tell people.
Who do you fight most with?: I don't really fight with any of my friends these days - I've learnt that it's just not worth it.
Who's the nicest?: Roesha. Love that girl.
Who's the most outgoing?: Probably Sam.
Who's the best singer?: Melissa. Though I love listening to Jordan sing.
Who's on your shit-list?: Lots of people.
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: Yup.
Who's your second family?: Sarah and Kristen.
Do you always feel understood?: God no. But I hardly understand myself!
Who's the loudest friend?: Sarah.
Do you trust others easily?: No.
Who's house were you last at?: See, I don't know whether to answer that as Jordan's or mum's.
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Jordaroo.
Do your friends know you?: A few do, sure.
Friend that lives farthest away:: Kelly. But I'll sure as Hell be going back over there.
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: I used to.
What do you find romantic?: Taking time for someone.
Turn-on?: On guys? Hair. Them doing something to me? Kissing my neck. Instand meltage.
Turn-off?: Baldness. Snidness.
First kiss?: Too young to remember it properly
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would u feel: Been there, done that. It sucks.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going?: I like to get to know them.
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out: But it is perfectly acceptable.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: Certainly. It's what's on the inside.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: Maybe my chest?
What is best about the opposite sex?: Haaaair.
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: "emotional range of a teaspoon" - leaving that answer the same
What's the last present someone gave you?: Does an iced coffee count? If not, a little purse from my boss last week.
Are you in love?: Yes.
Do you consider your significant other hot?: Fuck yeah.
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: Daniel.
You wanted to kill?: Daniel.
That you laughed at?: Jordan.
That laughed at you?: Jordan.
That turned you on?: Jordan.
You went shopping with?: Anna.
That broke your heart?: Hm.
To disappoint you?: Julie.
To ask you out?: Jordan...?
To make you cry?: Jordan. Happy tears.
To brighten up your day?: Jordan.
That you thought about?: Jordan.
You saw a movie with?: Jordan.
You talked to on the phone?: Paul Seery.
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Niall.
You saw?: Jordan, he's sitting right next to me.
You lost?: Julie.
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: Nope, it's after 9pm and I'm tired.
Will it be with your significant other?: No, we're off to bed soon.
Or some random person?: This is stupid.
What are you wearing right now?: Jeans, wolf t-shirt, sneakers.
Body part you're touching right now:: My thighs, thanks to having keyboard in lap
What are you worried about right now?: Being sick at work tomorrow.
What book are you reading?: About to start reading "The Shadow Queen" by Anne Bishop.
What's on your mousepad?: There is none.
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: Sick, headachy, loved, comfy, happy.
Are you bored?: Nope! If I was, I wouldn't be doing this.
Are you tired?: Yes. Mainly because I'm sick.
Are you talking to anyone online?: No.
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: No.
Are you lonely or content?: Very content.
Are you listening to music?: Erm, no. Jordaroo's playing Xbox, so I'm listening to that, I suppose.