So, I was going to post a bandsmush picspam - I have everything uploaded and I'd started coding and everything - but then I came across this site that had all these pictures of Vicky-T I had never seen before or only seen obnoxiously tagged.
So you get those instead.
I have such a thing for this girl looking drunk or tired, I don't even know.
I'm... not entirely positive this one is Vicky-T (you can't see the necklace, which is what I judge on when I can't tell), but, um. Singing.
I love this picture so much and I am so happy to find it untagged you don't even know.
The curling hair!
I just. How is this woman so gorgeous?
Awww, Vicky-T and Gizmo.
I admit it though, I do think she looks nicer with the dark hair.
I. Um. Excuse me, I have to go stare at this picture for awhile.
Untagged, YAY!
Happy! Touching another girl's knee!
Smoking should really not be this hot.
Okay, I just like the profile in this one. ...kind of a lot.
I don't know old Vicky-T is in these pictures, but I feel rather pervy.
Just, um. Yeah.
Another one from the vaguely naked set! ...actually, given that the other two girls are clothed in this one, this one might be the most "" yet.
Yes please.
I admit it, I keep getting distracted by the weird bow thing and going "...what?"
I love the coloring in this series though. The orange tint makes it feel very kind of 60s LA.
Okay, seriously, cat ears.
Her smile!
I am cheerfully ignoring the vaguely creepy guy in the background and concentrating on near nose nuzzling.
I love this picture of her, and I can't even tell you why. It's something about the angle and how she's looking up, but.
And I keep ignoring vaguely creepy guy and go "oh man, smile. And head on hand and...."
Legs. The legs, man.
How she's looking at the camera but not, and her hair falling down, and, just. This photo is kind of gorgeous. is this one.
I mentioned legs, right?
Fuzzy purple swear and things in mouth? Um. I'll take it, yes.
Looking like she's about to sex up zombie head!
Seriously, the cat ears.
HAIR FLIPPING OH MY GOD. How so hot, Vicky-T? How so hot?
Also! If anyone was looking for a Mikey Way/Alex Suarez connection (...which I doubt), we have found one!
I really want Alex/Mikey now.
...yeah. Seriously, Mikey/Alex. Or, hell, Mikey/Gabe/Alex, which I would be so, so down with.