IC post - Courtesy of ShinRaTurkReno on Twitter ... he started this little train of thought ...
"Do ya ever think about... when we blew up the plate?"
I should have said no, let him think me a heartless bastard like I'm sure he had when I gave the order. I meant to say never - refuse any possible admission of knowing the numbers of dead and injured. Sometimes things had to be done, and we did them - no questions and no excuses.
But dropping the plate ... I knew the details from after. All of them. The people underneath it were owed at least that much. I knew their names, saw their faces in my sleep. Knowing it would be like this, I'd passed the order down because there hadn't been a choice.
If almost anyone else had asked, I could have said no, but lying to one of my Turks ... Even if I couldn't ... wouldn't ... tell them why, they'd trust there was a good reason it was a necessary evil. I'm sure he suspected where the threat came from, but that was out of our hands now. What I could do was admit to the guilt I'd passed on.
Shutting down the computer, I realized Reno was still waiting for a reply. When the screen finally went black, I sighed and nodded, not ready to look him in the eye just yet.
"... Frequently ..."