my ears are bleeding

Mar 08, 2005 19:35

oh my god.... i hate crass!

sorry i probably lost 9 gizmillion punk points, but oh well.

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Comments 5

lola_x_lola March 8 2005, 17:56:11 UTC
i still think that you're way more punk than me pretty lady!


ladyunlucky March 8 2005, 19:30:45 UTC
hah... "I'M SO PUUUNK!"

no, i was listening to one of brandon's cd's and this one song just drove me nuts.
so how's the foot doing?
i'm sorry about that *hugs*


the evil foot..... lola_x_lola March 9 2005, 15:14:16 UTC
well it feels much better today, go foot! yesterday was bad, but today not so bad... i miss you, yo! gangsta style... which means i poor out a little PBR for my missing homie! i hope i spelled that ghetto enough?!


lixxlajoy March 9 2005, 15:04:15 UTC
you regain any and all lost points and then some for coming up with the word gizmillion!


ladyunlucky March 9 2005, 15:54:04 UTC
i'm awesome!


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