ONe of my biggest pet peeves in writing is a story that the author couldn't be arsed to write the injuries in a remotely realistic fashion. For the record I'm not a doctor or nurse or any kind of medical professional. The closest I've ever come to medical training were the required first aid and CPR courses for my teaching and camp counselor jobs.
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Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test... Balanced, Secure, and Realistic. 18 Impressionist, 7 Islamic, 2 Ukiyo-e, -29 Cubist, -24 Abstract and 12 Renaissance!
Woke up this morning and everything was covered with frost. The house was cold because hubby set the thermostat at 62 F, which is nowhere even remotely warm enough. The kids complained (OK I did too!) and the youngest thought it had snowed. The good news is I managed to pick the last of the green tomatoes yesterday, so we'll have tomatoes until
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In all honesty, this wasn't really a problem I had growing up. My parents encouraged me to read all the classics--including those 'evile' banned books--and any other literature that would get me to think. They stood behind me when my CP Lit teacher refused to read and mark an essay I did for a class because it was based on The Adventures of Tom
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My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulladywhitehart goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as butterfly.adamanteve19 gives you 4 yellow cola-flavoured pieces of taffy.bluestocking79 gives you 12 light blue passionfruit-flavoured jawbreakers.bluzkat gives you 1 light green strawberry-flavoured wafers.cecelle gives you 11 pink spearmint-flavoured pieces of
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Because redcatjewell was curious. (Isn't there a saying about curiosity and a cat?)
Instructions: 1. Leave me a comment saying you want to do the meme. 2. I'll respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. 3. You reply and update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
1. Who is your favorite historical figure? And why? Clara
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