Remus Lupin, anyone?

Oct 12, 2012 12:25

Scholastic recently conducted an interview with JK Rowling in which she admits to having written the full biography of Remus Lupin. She isn't specific, but I would bet it is for Pottermore...perhaps when POA is loaded onto the website? Just a guess...

The interview is lovely. If you have the time to listen to it (while doing other things, like me) ( Read more... )

pottermore, harry potter

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Comments 2

megan29 October 12 2012, 19:11:02 UTC
'Beginning a story is often easy. Finishing it is a lot harder. And finishing it is a sign you are truly a writer.'

I'm paraphrasing here, but that's the gist of what she said, and it struck me as so very true.


ladywhizbee October 12 2012, 19:32:22 UTC
I agree. It's always easy to start. Following it through to completion is a whole other matter completely.

I found her quite endearing in this interview. I'm so glad I had a chance to hear it.


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