The Hot Lies... with pics. like whoah

Jan 18, 2006 15:36

y'all know the deal, click the cut :)

So I scabbed a ride into Newy off Sarah, and we stopped at the Cambo at like 12 to get my ticket. cos I'm paranoid and always have to get them in advance lmao.
anyways, then we went to pick up some of her friends cos she was going to a BBQ or whatever, and we stopped at market town for food. and there was a whole bunch of scene kids [and I say that meaning clothing wise, you know what I mean, band shirts lots of black and eyeliner] there, and Sae is like "hey they looks like freaks like you, you think they're going to the same place" and I'm like "I don't look like a freak bitch, and how would I know where they're going?" Anyways, I got some pink paint and a lollipop and batteries while I was there, and then we went back to the Cambo and Sarah dropped me off.
So I stood around by myself waiting for Jess and Tara to show and it was somewhat creepy, I don't know, none of my friends are really scene [and god I hate using that world, but I cant think of anything else]looking or anything, not that I am, but pretty much I'm used to being the only one wearing much in the way of black or eyeliner, and to see all these kids wearing what I used to wear when I was at school, only then I didn't know ANYONE who dressed like that or anything, and I got picked on a lot cos of it, its just WEIRD. I mean I bet if they had of gone to school with me a few years ago THEY would have been making fun of me too. and I always feel like someone's gonna turn around and say "what the fuck are you doing here? you don't belong" to me, cos I don't really feel like I do. I mean come on, the day I wear tight jeans is the day I slit my wrists. and yeah its just so WEIRD. cos come on, I bet I belonged there more then some of those chicks that were so concerned with what they looked like, and whether they were hardcore enough. Its all too high-schooly and creepy for me.
Anyways, enough of that, so Jess and Tara arrived, and we sat around talking and stuff, and some chick who's name I've forgotten who knew Tara and jess hung out with us too. and we used my paint to write on the ground - right on! [me] and P!atd [jess] haha and then she like stepped in it and smudged it :(
anywhore, eventually we got in [and on the way, this really hot boy in a rancid shirt pushed in. but he way way yummy, so I forgave him] so then the first supporting band came on, and they were pretty good, so we stayed inside and watched. then between them and the next ones we went outside and sat around. and these chicks got in a bitch fight [only screaming though, no punching] and I'm like "right oh you attention seeking sluts"
so then the second band came on, but they were crap so we stayed outside, and there was mucho more sitting around and talking. and checking out the pretty boys [although I felt kinda dirty, cos eww jailbait. but they were so PRETTY *le sigh*] and some chick was like "I like your badge", and it was the straight boys kissing makes me hot one <333
So FINALLY the hot lies come on, and they were pretty fucking awesome. They had some mic issues at the start though cos one wasn't working, so you couldn't hear the singing, but they got it fixed and all was well.
Plus it was better this time, cos I knew more then one of their songs. and some of the boys started a circle pit, and i pretty much just laughed at them [or you know at the girls getting all angry at being shoved] it was really weird that it was so light, cos it was daylight outside, but awesome cos my pics turned out better. and I don't know his name, but the bass player? I think he played bass, but anyways he is the most psycho dude on stage, seriously he was getting into it SO MUCH and just jumpin' around all over the place. it was cute<3
so yeah, then Jess and Tara had to leave early to get their bus, and they started promise me right as they were going to get merch and go, and I'm like "just wait for the joy of this song first" and I videoed it, only my camera's memory got full like partway though, so I had to stop and go back and delete my videos from MCR, cos they're already on the computer and all.
so then we went and got merch, I got a button, and their new EP. I REALLY wanted a shirt too, but I've got BDO to think of, so I resisted. and the merch dude had a cup that said "tips help" with money in it and all, and I went to put a dollar in it, only it'd tipped over, so I put it in the poor guys water, thinking it was the tip cup. and I'm like "I'm soooo sorry!" *runs away*.
I ended up staying for like the last song by myself, cos jess and Tara were like "don't feel you have to leave cos of us, stay!" so I sat down at the back and took more pics.
and then I called Sarah and she came and got me on her way home
my new button:


piiicsss [for some reason a bunch of them wouldnt upload cos they're in the wrong format for photobucket, which is kinda wierd...]

so I haven't really done anything the last few days, I find out if I get my transfer tonight. and I'm getting stressed, cos second semester my grades weren't that great. I mean its not like I failed or anything, but they really weren't what they could have been, I spent WAY too much time partying, and not enough studying. Ironic, considering that now im on holidays, and can party guilt free whenever I want I haven't AT ALL hardly. But that would be because my new castle friends? yeah they pretty much suck and never come out with me.
and that would be all that's new
Kiss Kiss

the hot lies, uni, shows

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