Guh. I never liked Ellen Tigh. I hope her reincarnated cylon self isn't so much of a whore.
Hmm. Where is she being resurrected? Did someone know top prepare a body for her? Or do the bodies coalesce in the goo when there's a "soul" ready for it?
When did she get reincarnated? Oh. 18 months ago.
So have they been hiding Ellen all these months?
Did she know she was a cylon before the reincarnation?
I think it would be nice to hug Chief. He looks warm and squishy.
What did John just say about the 7's?
"I want to smell dark matter." I like that.
Wow, that whole speech is amazing.
Free will is such a funny theme to me. Especially on shows like this (and Whedon shows) that also have a lot of prophecies.
John Hodgeman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lucky duck.
Kara! No!
They can rebuild the hub? Hmmmmm.
Nice juxtaposition of Sam's hemorrhage causing memories and John threatening to extract Ellen's.
Who is Daniel?
So Caval hid the final 5? DAMNIT I NEED A DVR!!!
There's an iPhone Cylon Detector?! cool.
Awww, poor Galactica.
Is that a Raptor they just left in? When did that happen? Are they in the present? Looks like it, based on the preview for next week.