Title: E/O Challenge - Priceless Memories
laedieduskeDisclaimer: I own nothing.
Word Count: 100 exactly
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Featured Word: Store: additional challenge: Madd Aless has proposed a special challenge this week in celebration of Jeremy Carver serving as the Season 8 Showrunner. The challenge is to write a tag to one of the episodes that Jeremy has writing credit for. Considering he wrote some of the ones that hurt the most for me, it was a tough choice.
Dean enjoys the quiet time with his brother on what will be his last Christmas, storing the precious memory away. He knows Sam is upset over Dean's impending death, but he also knows Sam can live without him. He has before, thriving at college, finally living the "normal" life he always wanted. Dean cannot imagine his life without his brother, he knows he could never survive if Sam was no longer alive and well somewhere. He hates that Sam is hurting, but he cannot regret what he did. Sam will grieve, but he'll be just fine. He doesn't need Dean.