So a few years back I was like "Dude, I want to open a bubble tea cafe thing..." but that never happened because haaaaa.
Last night I was like "Dude, I want to open a karaoke bar/cafe thing....with bubble tea..." which will also probably never happen. BUT a girl can dream and this is how mine would work.
In the US, most karaoke places are like open lounge types where people get on a stage and karaoke. There's like only two here in Montgomery (that I more or less afraid to venture in), but it seems like there are a few up in Birmingham, including one that a lot of the college kids go to. So it wouldn't be impossible, but the one I have in mind is different.
Rather than an open lounge, I'd want to do it Asian style where there are individual rooms that people go in for more private enclosed settings. Maybe like 8 or 10. And each room would have all the necessary stuff PLUS COOL TECH LIGHTS YEEEEAH. Okay maybe not that tech but it would be interesting.
As for song selection, instead of using books, it would be all digital. Like a touch pad (hooked to the wall so they don't get stolen) that people can select from and that will ring up on the database to play it. Plus it would probably be easier that way as all the songs would be on one electronic base and can be accessed no matter what room. Easier to upload and update it, too. Anyway, not really thinking so much of the tech details as to just the general function (give me a day week and I'd give you more specifics |D).
Also. Rock Band. Dude, the equipment would have to be repaired like constantly but imagine having groups being able to play Rock Band...Since I'm kind of gearing this for more of a younger crowd anyway, it could work.
Though if I am to compete against the open lounge ones, I think if there were open lounge nights/events like once or twice a week, that would be good. And do like singing/RB competitions to amp it up. Though with the closed room settings, I could also have multiple large group parties going on at once, plus any who would want to do an open lounge party. So you could have multiple groups being able to karaoke rather than just have the "wait in line" type.
Now for the food/bubble tea deal. It would be kind of spiffy if it also served as a very limited/small cafe so people could also just come in and sit and read and have like a sandwich or something. Food itself would be served in the rooms, too, but just small things. Imagine a sushi plate, only it's not just sushi. Probably a small bar, too. But most of all...bubble tea. Yesssss get my bubble tea in there LOL. Honestly the bubble tea is just ancillary to all of that but still. Bubble tea. Bubble tea! And tea. And coffee.
Here, let me throw in my ginormous collection of manga that people could read while they're there. In giant bean bag chairs. With free Wi-fi.
Yeah this place would be totally hip.
In Birmingham, Alabama.
WELP THERE ARE COLLEGE as Kelly suggested, if I were to do it I should place it near UAB. Which is actually not a bad place despite it being in the MIDDLE OF DOWNTOWN 8UUUU Hate downtown Birmingham. Hate downtown anything.
Not that it matters because I don't think I would be able to do this anyway, sob. I don't know anything about the industry and there would be so much liabilities and I'd have to install security cameras to ensure that I don't have people raping/sexing it up in those rooms......
But for now, this little idea will be filed and shelved along with the other 87432767182 ideas I've had since high school in terms of business entrepreneurshipness.
This entry was originally posted on my DW journal