I wore armor today, and fought.
Well, at least practiced.
Still don't have the full rig up and assembled yet, but I had enough to practice, and this was up there with the first drink of water, getting the last tube out, and making it through a Sambo workout without needing a break.
The new helmet rules, in a very shiny sort of way- I needed to get used to the clatter of the articulated gorget shifting when I moved (What was that?! Did I get hit? No- Did I hit myself? No-), but the fit was great, and the padding worked beautifully.
Started with slow work, before slowly dialing up the speed. My instincts are mostly intact- I hesitate a bit when I lost line of sight on Frankfurt's sword, but that will start to click again before long, I'm sure.
Mostly, I was absolutely thrilled to be able to fight again. Threaten, thrust, parry, feint, chop, chop chop chop (I chopped a lot). I needed this. Seriously psyched up for Estrella now. Carla even gave Estrella the stamp of approval, which is good! Because frankly, that means I'm not trying to do something incredibly stupid, which I have been known to do in the past (Shock and alarm, I know).
Had to replace a pop rivet in my brand new elbows, but that only took a few minutes, and at least I now know I can hammer in a rivet without much difficulty. Needed to borrow Frankfurt's gauntlets- thats something I need to remedy in the very near future. Not sure whether I'll be able to manage the entire day on the field at Estrella, but one way or another, I'll be there. And the world will be one step closer to being as it should be.
Well, one step, then another step, then several more running strides in rapid succession after VAE VICTUS gets yelled, immediately preceding a tremendous crash, and the subsequent press of straining, bruising bliss.
Guess who's back.