WARNING: The following entry contains highly conservative views. If you consider yourself a liberal in any sense, you may want to stop reading now. And no, I don't know how to make lj cuts
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It is great that you are feeling politically empowered, but just remember that you can't believe everything that you read. Books like Coulter's are written for supporters to read so that they can get fired up and hate the other side even more, not necessarily to provide completely correct information. In one of my classes last semester we read both Ann Coulter's "Slander" and Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them," and then we did a project in which we investigated the information presented in those books. Both Coulter and Franken were guilty of misquoting and taking things out of context, along with some other sketchy writing practices. The point I'm trying to make here is that if you really want all of the information, you should read Coulter's endnotes and the articles that she cites. You are lucky enough to be on a college campus where you should have access to almost all of those resources for free. Don't just take everything at face value.
i stopped by, had a peak, and laughed....playertsJanuary 7 2005, 22:38:59 UTC
WOW! Jayne, I couldn't allow a post like this to go un-commented. First off, liberals in no shape or form hate the United States. Those people you refer to are 'neo-liberals'. Just like 'neo-conservatives', they represent the far ends of the politcal spectrum. Second, Ann Coulter is an ill-informed bitch. There are many documented instances, with her previous novels, that prove her negligence in fact-finding. Also, anyone who says we should take over another country and convert their leaders to Christianity, is not only a complete fucking moron but a bigot nonetheless. And to acknowledge that she wrote that and applaud her for it, is horrible and shows the lack of openminded-ness that conservatives posess. All Muslims = Terrorists? You have gotta be fuckin kiddin me....Thirdly, as someone who is very aware of current events and everything that happens within the political arena, the Bush administration is bad news for this country. Unless you are a corporation CEO, make over +$200,000 anuallly, a non-gay christian, Bush is not helping
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Re: i stopped by, had a peak, and laughed....lafavorite98January 9 2005, 02:43:28 UTC
I'd love to know who left this comment.
Interesting that you pulled the facist card. Original...
I never said that I completely agreed with everything that Coulter says. And I was just quoting the fly leaf of the book. But I do look up to her in many respects. What intrigues me about Coulter is her ability to say what she thinks and not care about the fall-out. So does Al Franken--I just don't agree with most of what he says. Invading other countries, killing their leaders, and converting them to Christianity is most certainly over the top. But keep in mind that I didn't say it, Ann Coulter did. She's got balls.
Sure. Democrats do advocate change. So do Republicans. I just like the Republicans' idea of change better. Believe what you want. I'm not closed-minded, but I was having a Coulteresque moment the day I wrote this entry. Thanks for your comment.
i just want to say that i used to live in atlanta and luckily i had conservative friends...but also liberal friends..and i agree w/ everything that you said here! GO BUSH!!
so i realised that first of all this entry was way too long to read in the time that I have, and secondly that if I read it I'd have to read the rebuttle from samir which is also too long. all I really wanted to accomplish by commenting to this entry is...this...I miss you jayne lafave and I love you dearly! the end
Oh Jayne...
January 22 2005, 05:28:05 UTC
Jayne Jayne Jayne.... how could you go to the dark side like that? Oh well, to each their own. Please tell me you at least voted for gay marriage rights...
Comments 12
Interesting that you pulled the facist card. Original...
I never said that I completely agreed with everything that Coulter says. And I was just quoting the fly leaf of the book. But I do look up to her in many respects. What intrigues me about Coulter is her ability to say what she thinks and not care about the fall-out. So does Al Franken--I just don't agree with most of what he says. Invading other countries, killing their leaders, and converting them to Christianity is most certainly over the top. But keep in mind that I didn't say it, Ann Coulter did. She's got balls.
Sure. Democrats do advocate change. So do Republicans. I just like the Republicans' idea of change better. Believe what you want. I'm not closed-minded, but I was having a Coulteresque moment the day I wrote this entry. Thanks for your comment.
Don't worry, I did vote FOR gay marriage rights. I <3 gay people. They should most definitely be allowed to get married.
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