*huge sigh* well, I suppose we worked everything out. And I'm glad, David was hard to talk to at first, but by the end he was normal. or t least 80% so. *smile* Homecoming might be fun after all. That will be first. haha
TomBrady19 (12:21:26 AM): sorry i freaked i dont want this to be wiered
prettyfinz (12:22:16 AM): sorry, i was typing something, I didn't see your thing at first
TomBrady19 (12:22:29 AM): thats fine
prettyfinz (12:22:55 AM): dfhiojrnhegeroahbjsdgk
prettyfinz (12:23:05 AM): I hugged the key board *cyber hug*
prettyfinz (12:24:27 AM): I really really didn't want us to never talk again or something I was so worried bc it happened with
another guy friend of mine we haven't alked in two years
TomBrady19 (12:24:51 AM): yah no we will be fine it will all be normal
prettyfinz (12:25:15 AM): I mean, with guys who ask me out at rugby games, I'm like go blow yourself or I give them the finger
when they try to grab my ass in the scrum
TomBrady19 (12:25:44 AM): hahahahaha they get the point
prettyfinz (12:26:19 AM): yeah, but I guess what I'm trying to say is I would never do that to you
prettyfinz (12:26:35 AM): haha, you know, I already have my dress
prettyfinz (12:28:54 AM): um, wow, I think ym desperateness just scared you...
prettyfinz (12:28:57 AM): that's sad
TomBrady19 (12:29:06 AM): no no
prettyfinz (12:29:19 AM): lol
prettyfinz (12:31:14 AM): actually, it probably is sad...school hasn't even started yet
prettyfinz (12:32:59 AM): perhaps I shall start talking to myself.. since everyone else is away
prettyfinz (12:33:19 AM): so Colette, I was thinking a Teal, navy or a silver tie would be nice match
prettyfinz (12:33:29 AM): yes, but then matching can be kinda dorky
TomBrady19 (12:33:43 AM): lol
prettyfinz (12:33:44 AM): but still silver ties are nice anyway
prettyfinz (12:34:01 AM): ah ha!
prettyfinz (12:34:06 AM): so you are still there
prettyfinz (12:35:27 AM): maybe it's me, but I get this weird feeling that you are doing something else and not really paying
prettyfinz (12:35:38 AM): test one: asphinctersayswhat?
prettyfinz (12:35:55 AM): *fake David voice* what?
TomBrady19 (12:36:08 AM): ok im back
prettyfinz (12:36:10 AM): see! proven
prettyfinz (12:36:26 AM): lol well I'm glad I was about to bring out Mr Socko
TomBrady19 (12:36:32 AM): lol
prettyfinz (12:36:47 AM): then we get into the finger puppet plays
prettyfinz (12:37:03 AM): Although I only have a mermaid, a beaver and a bunny
prettyfinz (12:37:08 AM): so the plots are a little weird
TomBrady19 (12:37:32 AM): hahahaha right
prettyfinz (12:38:13 AM): hey two oclock in th emorning you can't sleep you be surprised what you come up with
prettyfinz (12:38:38 AM): it's like a mr Monk show
TomBrady19 (12:38:53 AM): hahahahaha
TomBrady19 (12:38:59 AM): horabel yet funny
prettyfinz (12:39:13 AM): Mermaids from Planet X Attacked by Rabid Woodland Creatures
TomBrady19 (12:39:28 AM): hahahahahahahaha
prettyfinz (12:39:37 AM): "ah it ate my tail!"
prettyfinz (12:39:43 AM): "beaver knawing"
prettyfinz (12:40:49 AM): "it's like your on acid but it's real!" claims one finger theatre goer
TomBrady19 (12:41:12 AM): hahaha
prettyfinz (12:41:34 AM): alright I'm sorry, I think I killed
prettyfinz (12:41:36 AM): it
prettyfinz (12:41:38 AM): killed it
prettyfinz (12:41:40 AM): I can type
TomBrady19 (12:41:43 AM): yes yes you did
prettyfinz (12:42:01 AM): desperation goes wonderful things...
prettyfinz (12:42:08 AM): *does
prettyfinz (12:43:41 AM): goddamnit David you made me cry you had better not find a date for homecoming
TomBrady19 (12:44:28 AM): what
TomBrady19 (12:44:31 AM): im confussed
prettyfinz (12:45:18 AM): you had said if we both don't have dates which for I me I was betting was going to happen, we would
go together
prettyfinz (12:45:24 AM): and I'm saying after all this
prettyfinz (12:45:32 AM): you had better not find someone to go with
TomBrady19 (12:46:17 AM): i didnt think us till wanted to go with me
prettyfinz (12:46:52 AM): no! that as the whole point I want to go with you
prettyfinz (12:47:16 AM): heck , who am I going with otherwise
prettyfinz (12:47:29 AM): I am not going with 25 girls again hell no
TomBrady19 (12:47:38 AM): hahahha
prettyfinz (12:47:50 AM): agh, it was so... girly
TomBrady19 (12:48:18 AM): well 25 girls will do that
prettyfinz (12:48:37 AM): haha
prettyfinz (12:48:55 AM): I'm serious, though, I found a really cool dress at Plato's Closet and was like hey, score me
TomBrady19 (12:50:12 AM): hahahaha yay
prettyfinz (12:50:22 AM): lol
prettyfinz (12:50:45 AM): it's uh *cough* not a normal prommy/dressy dress
TomBrady19 (12:50:54 AM): dont care
TomBrady19 (12:50:56 AM): cough
prettyfinz (12:51:10 AM): mostly b/c I put my foot through the hem of the last one like that and have since scorned them
TomBrady19 (12:51:28 AM): u could were jeans and a tee shirt and i would stillg o with you
prettyfinz (12:51:33 AM): because I'm talented like that
prettyfinz (12:51:40 AM): *smile* wonderful
prettyfinz (12:51:42 AM): DUDE!
prettyfinz (12:51:55 AM): we could so do that! totally screw everythin and come in jeans
prettyfinz (12:52:06 AM): that would be so damn sexual
TomBrady19 (12:52:12 AM): lol
prettyfinz (12:52:14 AM): sexual as in awesome
prettyfinz (12:52:18 AM): lol
TomBrady19 (12:52:28 AM): yah i was like umm sexual
prettyfinz (12:52:36 AM): uh middle school thing
TomBrady19 (12:52:43 AM): ohhhhhhhhhhh
prettyfinz (12:52:45 AM): sexual was an adj for anything good
prettyfinz (12:53:05 AM): b/c we assumed anything related to sex was good and there for..well whatever
TomBrady19 (12:53:21 AM): lol we should that would fuck things up
prettyfinz (12:53:35 AM): lol
prettyfinz (12:53:38 AM): what?1
TomBrady19 (12:53:47 AM): one catch we would have to wear nice shoes
prettyfinz (12:53:52 AM): lol
prettyfinz (12:54:05 AM): or I could even wear my forensics suit
prettyfinz (12:54:39 AM): something about business suits, I don't know
TomBrady19 (12:54:54 AM): destened for the bussness world
TomBrady19 (12:55:02 AM): i jus ate a luchabel
prettyfinz (12:55:15 AM): it's like *rawwr*
prettyfinz (12:55:25 AM): a lunchable?
TomBrady19 (12:55:49 AM): i jus ate 23 grams of fat because i wanted a snak to keep me up wile y lundrey finishes so ic an put
it in the dryer and go to bed
prettyfinz (12:55:58 AM): ah
prettyfinz (12:57:22 AM): it's funny, I didn't eat dinner when I came home from practice, after two and half hours of running I
usually want something, but I'm not hungry
prettyfinz (12:57:32 AM): I guess it's David, the other other dark meat
TomBrady19 (12:57:39 AM): hahahahahaha
prettyfinz (12:57:57 AM): *cough* you don't still have that picture do you?
TomBrady19 (12:58:08 AM): cough its on my wall
prettyfinz (12:58:13 AM): I'll trade you one of my senior pictures for it
prettyfinz (12:58:27 AM): (must burn it! ack!)
TomBrady19 (12:58:52 AM): nope it gos well with all the other freakey pictures i have on my wall
prettyfinz (12:59:02 AM): oh why spank you
prettyfinz (1:00:13 AM): (damn damn damn)
TomBrady19 (1:00:38 AM): lol
prettyfinz (1:01:23 AM): owell
TomBrady19 (1:01:46 AM): owell is right wel im gonna got to bed have to be up at eight
prettyfinz (1:01:55 AM): oh goodness
prettyfinz (1:01:57 AM): I forgot
prettyfinz (1:02:00 AM): practice right?
TomBrady19 (1:02:03 AM): yah
prettyfinz (1:02:09 AM): fun stuff
prettyfinz (1:02:21 AM): hit Brittany if she's there
TomBrady19 (1:02:33 AM): oh man im so angrey at her
prettyfinz (1:02:39 AM): think of our skit...
TomBrady19 (1:02:44 AM): lol
prettyfinz (1:02:44 AM): hearing loss
TomBrady19 (1:02:48 AM): yah that sucked
TomBrady19 (1:02:52 AM): well good night
prettyfinz (1:02:56 AM): *embarrassed*
prettyfinz (1:03:01 AM): uh yeah *cough*
prettyfinz (1:03:05 AM): night
TomBrady19 signed off at 1:03:09 AM.
SORRY FOR MY PREVIOUS WHINY GIRLYNESS sorry and goodnight ack all my key are backwards! my commas are arrows and my caps key works in reverse it has to stay down to do lower case ack I must figure it out>>> ack! see! owell god bless us everyone> we need it>