Title - The Only Boy Who Could Ever Teach Me (a follow up one-shot to
Jump the Track)
Length - 3,026
Author -
lafleurdumal85 Rating - PG-13
Summary - Set over the summer after graduation and before Dean and Castiel set off on their road trip. Dean decides that Castiel has led too sheltered a life, and thinks getting him drunk would be a great idea. He comes to
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Comments 55
Sam was perfect in this, well done.
And to be honest, I think Dean did what we all would have done given the chance. He's a great boyfriend.
The hands thing, and all his drunk personalities, I can't even.
Excuse me, I'm not making sense. But seriously, I loved it.
Please more soon!
I'm working on the next one!
Can't wait for the next one <3
Yeah, there was no way I could give up writing Jump the Track like that! More coming soon :)
this is great! :D
“I really want you in bed, Dean,” Cas purred, his hand travelling lower, trying to work its way inside Dean’s pants, as Dean desperately attempted to hold him off. “Want you so bad. Want you to do that thing with your tongue where you-”
“Oh my God!” Sam cried. “Seriously, guys?”
“He’s drunk, okay?” Dean protested, his face burning as he tried to fend off an inappropriately amorous Castiel. “Fuck my life,” he muttered. “Look, Sam, just... stop looking at us like that, okay? I’ll take care of it. Just... take the water up and put it by my bed, and I’ll... I’ll look after Cas.”
“I bet you will,” Sam grumbled as he stomped past them up the stairs.
Ah! Poor Dean. Talk about embarrassing! Not to mention awkward. And Poor Cas! His first hangover will hopefully be his last.
Still, Drunk Cas is funny.
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