iTunes Survey...

Feb 04, 2006 23:47

Total number of songs: 3660
Total duration of songs: 10.4 days
Total size of songs: 15.11 GB

Sort by song title:
First Song: "'Cross the Breeze" by Sonic Youth
Last Song: "Zombie" by The Cranberries

Sort by song duration:
Shortest Song: "Horn Intro" by Modest Mouse (0:09)
Longest Song: Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky (33:15)

Sort by artist:
First Artist: ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead
Last Artist: The Zombies

Sort by album:
First Album: 1 by The Beatles
Last Album: Your New Favorite Band by The Hives

Top three most played songs:
"There There. (The Boney King Of Nowhere.)" by Radiohead
"Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box" by Radiohead
"My Iron Lung" by Radiohead

First song that comes up on shuffle:
"Kissability" by Sonic Youth

"Sex" - 23 songs, 1.5 hours
"Death" - 61 songs, 4.1 hours
"Love" - 141 songs, 9.1 hours
"You" - 408 songs, 1 day
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