Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: G
Summary: Spock explains why Kirk's casual flirting doesn't bother him.
Words: ~400
Notes: What can I say, I got tired of all the fics where Spock is ridiculously jealous and possessive. Anyone involved with James Kirk would have to expect some flirting, especially since most of the time he's doing it to save himself or his crew, rather than just for fun.
"Y'know, just once I'd like to go on an away mission where we don't get chased or captured or nearly killed. I don't think that's so much to ask!" McCoy waves his hands about in agitation, clearly gearing up for a full rant.
Spock tunes him out with practiced ease and stares over to the other side of the cell, where Kirk is trying his charms out on their female captor. From the way she's smiling at him, it's working.
McCoy, apparently realising that no one is listening to him, breaks off his rant and comes to sit next to Spock. "That doesn't bother you?" he asks, following Spock's gaze.
Spock glances at him. "What do you mean, Doctor?"
McCoy gestures at Kirk. "Jim charming the pants off that girl. It doesn't bother you?"
Spock raises an eyebrow. "If he were actually removing her pants, then yes, it would bother me. As he is merely flirting, I do not see the problem."
"But there's no guarantee it'll stop at flirting," McCoy responds. "I saw how cranky you used to get whenever he'd try out his charms on some pretty young thing. I'd think that with the two of you being lovers that would've doubled."
"On the contrary, Doctor," Spock says. "Now that Jim and I are involved I know that his interest is in me and me alone. He may flirt with others to put them at ease, or gain their trust, but he would never even consider being unfaithful to me. It is just an act." He frowns. "And I was not cranky."
McCoy gives him an assessing look. "You really trust him that much?"
"Completely," Spock replies immediately.
Their captor finally leaves, trailing a hand down Kirk's arm as she goes. Kirk watches her leave before coming over to them and sitting down next to Spock. "She's going to talk to the others," he says. "I just hope I convinced her."
His hand finds Spock's almost absently, tangling their fingers together, and Spock basks in the warmth and love coming through the touch. "You were wonderful, as always," he says, and Kirk smiles. It's a different smile to the one he gave the woman; warmer, more intimate, and Spock knows that it is meant only for him. He squeezes Kirk's hand gently and together they settle down to wait.
* * *
When the three of them are released two hours later, McCoy concedes that there might be some advantages to trust.