Dear Space Swap Writer

Feb 12, 2018 18:23

Hi, thank you for writing for me! I hope this letter will be useful. I'm focusing on Worldbuilding this year, so feel free to use any characters or pairings you want to explore these ideas.

Likes: Worldbuilding, hurt/comfort, humour, friendship, romance, family relationships, gay/bi characters, character studies, episode tags/missing scenes, telepathy/empathy, cultural differences

Dislikes: Character bashing, asexual/aromantic headcanons, threesomes/poly, first and second POV, explicit sex


Star Trek AOS (Vulcan homosexuality)

How do Vulcans view same sex relationships? How does the destruction of Vulcan change things? I can't imagine losing about 99.999% of the population wouldn't have an effect. Do they try to work around it, so that same-sex couples adopt or donate eggs/sperm or act as surrogates, or do they expect gay Vulcans to just suck it up and do their part for the greater good? I'd love to see Spock in particular struggling with this situation, but OCs (whether male or female) or minor characters would be great too.

Fandom specific DNWs: References to STID, homophobia among humans/Starfleet, Kirk and Spock paired with anyone but each other (exception for Spock/OMC, onesided Spock->Pike, or past/dissolving Spock/Uhura)

Star Trek TNG (Perceptions of TOS Era)

We get to see a little bit of this in canon - Scotty's appearance in "Relics", the DS9 episode "Trials and Tribble-ations", etc, but I always want more. How do people in the TNG era view Kirk's adventures? Do they assume a lot of it is made up, or do they totally believe it? Are they taught about in the academy? What parts are best remembered, and what parts are exaggerated/changed to make for a better story? What about the TOS characters who are still alive in that era? How are they treated? (Also, completely optional, but I'm a big Kirk/Spock shipper, so if you want to explore that relationship in the context of history I'd be thrilled.) Feel free to use any TNG characters for this, or if you want to go for a more meta approach I'd love a section from a history book or textbook about the era.

Notes: I'm not a huge fan of Worf, so I'd prefer the fic not focus on him. I love all the other characters though! Also, if you want to include a pairing I especially like Riker/Troi, but I'm fine with pretty much anything.

Star Trek TOS (Vulcan homosexuality, LGBT rights)

Vulcan homosexuality: We know they have a word that means both "brother" and "lover", so how does that relate to their society? I'd be interested in almost any take on how Vulcans view same-sex relationships - that they care more about mental compatibility so gender doesn't matter, that homosexuality is illogical because it doesn't produce children, that it's illogical to force gay people into opposite-sex relationships because sexuality is innate and unchangeable, that bisexuality is the most logical because it widens the pool of potential partners in case of pon farr... If I've learned one thing watching the various Star Trek series, it's that Vulcans can use logic to justify just about anything. I ship Kirk/Spock, so I'd love an exploration involving them, but I'd also be interested in OCs or minor characters - what does Surak say about such matters, for example?

LGBT rights: This kind of ties in with the above, but in a broader sense. How do the reactions to same-sex relationships differ between planets/species? I see future Earth as a place where being gay/bi is a non-issue, but are there still pride parades? Gay bars? What about on other planets? Are there clashes between conservative cultures and those that are more "anything goes"? What about species that have more than two sexes, or only one? How does homosexuality work among Andorians, for example? And what about trans characters? I imagine the future has much better techniques for changing one's body, but what about the social aspects? How does the process of transitioning differ from species to species? (I'm fine with OCs for this, but I'm also okay with canon characters being re-imagined as trans, as long as they keep their canon genders.)

Notes: Please no sexism/homophobia/transphobia among humans. Gen is great, but I'm also fine with any pairings that don't conflict with Kirk/Spock. (I especially like Scotty/Uhura and Chekov/Sulu, but really, go wild!) Also, since I know there are arguments about it, I take Vulcan body temperature as higher than human.

Thanks again!

exchange letter

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